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A Case Report of a 44-Year-Old Middle-Aged Woman with Acute Chest Pain
作者 楊雅貞江君揚

胸痛是臨床常見的主訴,鑑別診斷必須配合心電圖,並優先考量會猝死的心血管疾病。本篇個案是一位44歲的中年女性,因急性胸痛至急診就醫,經連續追蹤心電圖與抽血檢驗,診斷為非ST節段上升之急性冠心症(non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, NSTE-ACS),心導管冠狀動脈攝影檢查結果合乎自發性冠狀動脈剝離(spontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD)的變化。本文之目的在強調無冠狀動脈疾病危險因子的中年女性發生急性冠心症,須考慮SCAD的可能性。SCAD的病因為冠狀動脈內膜撕裂,血流進入血管內壁產生血腫,當假腔壓迫冠狀動脈血流會使心肌缺血而導致胸痛的症狀,與冠狀動脈阻塞型心肌梗塞成因不同,故治療與處理的方式有不同之處,必須視臨床病人情況做謹慎的評估,以降低侵入性治療的風險。照顧個案期間藉由最少的侵入性檢查給予正確診斷,並配合適當的藥物治療,達成緩解病人症狀、預防合併症與復發的治療目的。藉由這篇病例報告,希望醫護人員對照顧自發性冠狀動脈剝離的病人有更多的認知。



Chest pain is a common clinical complaint. Electrocardiograms must be included in diagnosis, and the priority should be given to cardiovascular diseases that may lead to sudden death. The case described here is a 44-year-old middle-aged woman who presented to the emergency room with unendurable chest pain. After continuous follow-up ECG and blood tests, she was diagnosed with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). The result of coronary angiography correspond to sponta-neous coronary artery dissection (SCAD). The purpose of this article is to emphasize the possibility of SCAD in acute coronary syndrome in middle-aged women without coronary artery disease risk fac-tors. SCAD is characterized by intimal tear, intramural hematoma, and false lumen formation, which can obstruct coronary blood flow and cause myocardial ischemia with chest pain. Since the etiology of SCAD is different from obstructive coronary artery myocardial infarction, their medical treatments must be carefully evaluated through clinical patient conditions to reduce the risks of invasive proce-dure. In this case, early and correct diagnosis was made to reduce invasive procedure, and appropriate medication therapy were applyed to achieve the purpose of relieving the patient’s symptoms, prevent-ing complications and recurrence. Through this case report, it is hoped that healthcare professionals will improve awareness of caring for patients with spontaneous coronary artery dissection.


起訖頁 049-057
關鍵詞 中年女性急性胸痛冠狀動脈剝離Middle-aged womanAcute chest painCoronary artery dissection
刊名 台灣專科護理師學刊  
期數 202408 (11:1期)
出版單位 台灣專科護理師學會
該期刊-上一篇 一位72歲女性以喘合併血小板增多為表現
該期刊-下一篇 一位78歲女性跌倒後以胸痛為表現




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