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Immediate effects of a positive-psychology mental health promotion program for rescue workers
作者 鄧志平謝麗紅 (Lih-Horng Hsieh)

本研究檢核「救災人員身心健康促進方案」的立即效果。救災工作是高強度的身體和心理活動,會遇到目睹殘酷傷亡和生命威脅的創傷情境,進而影響造成救災人員身心和人際健康情況。因應救災單位要求,規劃和執行為期五天兼具生理心理社會(bio-psychosocial)面向的心理健康促進方案。方案採取正向心理學取向,旨在儲備救災人員心理資源,增進其面對工作壓力的韌性,以及日常的快樂感受與滿意度。39位參與方案的第一線救災人員皆有過重大災難救災經歷,其中18位表示有過主觀創傷經驗(subjective lytraumatic experience,簡稱STE)。參與者在工作坊開始和結束,分別填寫「韌性量表(Resilience Scale; Ho, 2008)」, 以及「快樂途徑量表(Approaches to Happiness; Seligman, 2013)」和「生活滿意量表(Satisfaction with Life Scale; Diener et al., 1985)」。Wilcoxon符號排序檢定結果顯示,非STE參與者在「快樂追求」有顯著地增加,而STE參與者在「韌性」和「生活滿意度」部份有顯著增加。本研究證實「救災人員身心健康促進方案」有促進救災人員之心理健康的立即效果,而且STE對方案立即效果有調節的作用。



The study is to examine the immediate effects of a mental health promotion program for disaster rescue workers. A five-day bio-psycho-social-based mental health promotion program was developed by the request of a disaster rescue team. The program is positive-psychology oriented for it is to enhance participants’ wellbeing. The study examined the moderation effect of subjectively traumatic experience (STE) on the program effectiveness. The study data is from 39 rescue workers who have involved in disaster rescue work, and 18 of them reported subjectively traumatic experience (STE). The participants completed Resilience Scale (Ho, 2008), Approaches to Happiness (Seligman, 2013), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985) prior and post their program participation. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test showed support for the program’s immediate effectiveness and STE’s moderation effect on the effectiveness. Life satisfaction and resilience significantly increased for the STE groups, while happiness pursuit significantly increased for the non-STE group. Event centrality and sensoryprocessing sensitivity are proposed as possible explanations for STE’s moderation effect.


起訖頁 191-230
關鍵詞 心理健康促進方案主觀創傷經驗正向心理學立即性方案效能災難救災人員disaster rescue workersimmediate program efficacymental health promotion programpositive psychologysubjectively traumatic experience
刊名 應用心理研究  
期數 202406 (80期)
出版單位 臺灣應用心理學會
該期刊-上一篇 樂高六色積木與遊玩箱正向心理樂玩諮商團體對單親兒童失落調適的行動研究




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