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An Action Study of “Playfulness-based Positive Counseling Group with LEGO Six Bricks and Play Box” on Loss Adjustment for Single Parent Children
作者 王致閔韓佩凌 (Pay-Ling Harn)




This study uses the method of action research to explore the process and results of four high-grade elementary school single-parent children’s loss adjustment, who participating in the “playfulness -based positive counseling group with LEGO Six Bricks and Play Box” once a week, for 75 minutes each time, for eight consecutive times. The researchers collected group records, researcher reflection notes, discussion records, interview records, feedback and analyzed them through the triangulation method. The results of the study found that at the beginning, promoting positive emotions through group activities can help members quickly invest in the group, and then by practicing the strengths perspective, members can see and give back to their own and others’ strengths, and build positive resources and positive attitudes. Interpersonal relationships, and at the same time practice seeing gratitude in loss events, reducing negative evaluations of oneself, extending gratitude to life, linking family resources through parent feedback sheets, deepening advantages in the family with parents, and forming a parent-child relationship. The positive interaction between them increases the sense of meaning and happiness. The real-time reflection and revision during the research process enables researchers to grow in consultation group program design, professional knowledge and problem-solving ability, and provides suggestions for counseling practitioners and future researchers.


起訖頁 145-190
關鍵詞 六色積木與遊玩箱失落調適正向心理樂玩諮商行動研究action studylego six bricks and play boxloss adjustmentplayfulness-based positive counseling
刊名 應用心理研究  
期數 202406 (80期)
出版單位 臺灣應用心理學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣心理師靈性幸福感量表修訂與信度、效度評估之研究
該期刊-下一篇 救災人員參與正向心理導向之身心健康促進團體方案的立即效果研究




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