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The Power of Happiness in Education Starts with Exemplary Teachers: Exploring the Strengths and Mental Health of Elementary School Teachers
作者 高千琇吳相儀李坤璋李致誠




This study aims to explore the current situation of strengths and psychological health among elementary school teachers. In Study 1, three scales (Adult Strengths Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, and Perceived Stress Scale) were used to test 35 teachers from a primary school in Kaohsiung City. In Study 2, all teachers were asked to conduct peer evaluations, and the top 3 teachers selected as happiness exemplars were interviewed. Results: (1) The top three strengths of all teachers were “gratitude,” “rigorous judgment,”and “empathy,” while the weakest strengths were “forgiveness,” “ self-cont rol, ” and “ loyalty. ” The average score on the Life Satisfaction Scale was still satisfactory. (2) Unlike all teachers, the highest-scoring strengths of the happiness exemplar teachers were “creativity” and “love.” (3) The different characteristics between happiness exemplar teachers and general teachers can be categorized into five main themes. Suggestions are also provided for enhance psychological health among elementary school teachers.


起訖頁 055-107
關鍵詞 心理健康國小教師強項authoritarian leadershipimplicit theories of intelligenceimpression managementleader-member exchange (LMX)supervisor’s distrust
刊名 應用心理研究  
期數 202406 (80期)
出版單位 臺灣應用心理學會
該期刊-上一篇 正向情緒擴建理論在失智長者表達性藝術活動之應用
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣心理師靈性幸福感量表修訂與信度、效度評估之研究




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