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The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions Applied to Expressive Art Activities for the Elderly with Dementia
作者 鄭曉楓 (Hsaio-Feng Cheng)

本研究目的乃以正向情緒擴建理論為架構,探討中度失智長者在表達性藝術活動中所經驗到的正向情緒及擴建機制。研究參與者共有6位中度失智長者,平均年齡88歲(SD = 8.42)。研究方法:採質性單一個案研究法,透過多重資料理解中度失智長者在表達性藝術活動中的正向情緒發展。表達性藝術活動乃結合正向情緒擴建理論設計而成,每次80分鐘,共四次聚會,活動包含視覺藝術、音樂、肢體律定三項元素。資料蒐集含參與者個別訪談紀錄(活動前訪談、活動結束訪談)、觀察歷程紀錄、個別參與者事件、觀察者心得等,後續依架構分析取向分析。研究結果發現,表達性藝術活動中的正向情緒擴建機制為(一)品味過去:「家」的話題創建了友善與信任感;(二)投入當下的正向情緒:色彩繽紛引發新鮮感、完成作品帶來成就感;(三)擴展豐富的表達與活絡的行動;(四)建立心理的資源:滿足地融入藝術活動,主動付出、給予回饋。後續針對個別失智長者的歷程經驗進行詳細分析。



The purpose of this research was to use the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions as a framework to explore the positive emotions and their expansion mechanisms experienced by the elderly with moderate dementia in expressive art activities. Research method: A qualitative single case study method was used. The expressive art activities were designed with the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. Data collection included individual interviews with participants, observation records, individual events, and observations. All data were analyzed according to the framework approach. The results were (1) Savoring the past: The topic of “home” created a sense of friendliness and trust; (2) Positive emotions in the present: Colors induced freshness, Completing the work brought a sense of accomplishment; (3) Expanding flexible expressions and active actions; (4) Building psychological resources: Satisfied with artistic activities, and able to give and give back.


起訖頁 001-053
關鍵詞 失智長者正向情緒擴建理論表達性藝術治療broaden-and-build theory of positive emotionsdemented eldersexpressive arts therapy
刊名 應用心理研究  
期數 202406 (80期)
出版單位 臺灣應用心理學會
該期刊-下一篇 教育幸福力從典範教師起步:國小教師強項與心理健康初探




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