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Legal Review and Dilemma Solving of Trust Shareholding
作者 喬博娟
Equity trust is a type of trust where equity serves as trust property. Due to the“separation of name and reality”characteristic, determining trust shareholding and shareholder qualification differs, leading to trustee liability issues to third parties. Equity changes caused by trust purposes have the dual characteristics of equity transactions and equity trusts, so there are disputes over the application of the trust law and company law, resulting in the dilemma of inconsistent adjudication standards. Neither the equity theory nor the debt theory break away from the theoretical framework of the dual structure of equity and debt in traditional civil and commercial law and only focuses on the external form of equity transfer while ignoring the internal essence of equity trust. It is necessary to return to the origin of trust, examine the trust shareholding relationship based on the independence of the trust law and the particularity of the trust relationship, reasonably divide the responsibilities of trustees and third parties, and seek a balance between respecting autonomy and ensuring transaction security. By grasping the applicable boundary of the appearance doctrine, improving the trust property registration system, and clarifying the scope of responsibility of the trustee, we can resolve the trust shareholding disputes and gradually realize the localization of the trust law system.
起訖頁 134-149
關鍵詞 股權信託股權轉讓信託財產登記出資瑕疵責任Equity TrustEquity TransferTrust Property RegistrationLiability for Defective Contribution
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 202405 (348期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.53106/1025593134808   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 論不動產房地合一稅──以探討出售「繼承或受贈取得不動產」成本為中心
該期刊-下一篇 規範證成與歸責──限制犯罪概念之基礎(譯文)




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