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An Analysis of Courts' Decisions on Petitions for Habeas Corpus by Quarantined National Airline Pilots
作者 林欣柔 (Shin-Rou Lin)
The COVID-19 has ravaged the world since the beginning of 2020. Taiwan government has restricted the personal freedom of millions of people in the past three years. To find out if and how people seek relief for quarantine, courts decisions were collected in July 2022 through searches on the“Judicial Yuan Law and Regulations Retrieving System”to identify petitions involving Habeas Corpus by quarantined or isolated detainees. Ninety-two court decisions were found from July 2020 to July 2022. The Habeas Corpus petitioned by National Airline pilots accounted for three-quarters of all cases, of which 4 detainees were ruled to be released. Analysis of 68 court rulings showed that the court limited the definition of detention and the scope for review, and failed to comply with the requirements of issuing summons and interrogation under the Habeas Corpus Act. The courts conducted a substantive review of the quarantine orders without finding the reality of the practice is that the Central Epidemic Command Center, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Civil Aviation Administration of the Ministry of Communications violated the jurisdiction and authority granted to them by statute, allowing airlines employers to control the personal freedom of pilots. Since petitions for Habeas Corpus remains the only relief available for quarantined and isolated detainees, the courts should oblige the administrative agencies to provide evidence and enrich the connotation of substantive examination. To ensure the balance between public health and personal freedom, the Communicable Disease Control Act should add the definition and substantive conditions of quarantine, and provide timely procedural protections against quarantine measure in responding common infectious diseases and emerging infectious diseases, respectively.
起訖頁 41-91
關鍵詞 新冠肺炎提審人身自由檢疫傳染病防治法COVID-19Habeas CorpusPersonal FreedomQuarantineCommunicable Disease Control Act
刊名 醫藥、科技與法律  
期數 202304 (28:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學科技法律研究所;臺灣醫事法律學會;臺北醫學大學醫療暨生物科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 由競爭法觀點談「藥品標示外使用」──以歐盟Avastin/Lucentis 案為中心
該期刊-下一篇 被偷走的人工流產自由:「多布斯訴傑克森女性健康組織案」之國際人權法律評析




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