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The Production of New Literary Categories: Social Surveys within Late Qing Dynasty Periodicals
作者 連玲玲葉韋君
The present paper investigates the history and contexts surrounding the emergence of social surveys within periodicals of the late Qing dynasty, primarily discussing how surveys as a“new literary category”operated as a device from which to pursue accuracy and practicality while dismantling what was considered harmful or backwards in the publications of students abroad in Japan. The development of this genre not only expressed new forms of knowledge and communication but was also a social act, namely prescribing norms, organizing societies revolving around surveys, creating specialized columns within publications, and inviting public participation.
Zhejiang chao《浙江潮》, Jiangsu《江蘇》, and Yunnan《雲南》, all issued around 1903-1907, were the earliest periodicals to publish survey conventions of any kind. Being the forebearers of survey reporting, these publications attempted to establish clear definitions of the new category. The receiving and editing of related articles, however, were rife with difficulties, and the distinctions between survey writings, news reports, letters, and opinion pieces were ambiguous, demonstrating the shifting boundaries of columns. But it is precisely within this process that we can observe the collisions of new literary categories and the trial and error behind the establishment of concrete social practices.
This paper employs digital research tools to identify shared themes across survey reports by using machine clustering of co-occurrence networks, themes which are supplemented by lexical classifications performed manually to decipher the connotations of textual forms. We have also discovered that“new”and“old”are far from diametric in these processes. The tables, figures, and narrative styles, all of which contain traces of traditional local gazetteers, used by social surveys grafted new and old together to form a new category of survey, one which was gradually accepted and circulated.
起訖頁 467-525
關鍵詞 社會調查留日學生數位人文共現詞網絡文本探勘social surveysstudents abroad in Japandigital humanitiesco-occurrence networkstext mining
刊名 東亞觀念史集刊  
期數 202209 (20期)
出版單位 東亞觀念史集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 疑古的當代性理解:論錢穆的《易》學觀
該期刊-下一篇 史意詩心:普實克論中國的史與詩




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