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The Study on the Prevention of Civil Servants' Corruption
作者 楊育杰
“Integrity” is the core value and necessary belief of civil servants. “Corruption” is the main cause of white-collar crime and hinders a nation’s growth.
In order to promote competent and integrity governance, and to reduce, curb and prevent corruption crimes, we should establish a clean, constitutionality and administrative transparence government. The research attempts to investigate white collar crime, corporation crime, and the aspects of legal system to explore the views of civil servants’ corruption crimes.
The study methods used were literature review, secondary data analysis and in-depth interview. The researcher utilized the above methods to collect and exam relevant data, opinions and views from the 15 civil service ethics officials of the Administrative Agency, Judiciary Institution, Police Agency, State-Owned Enterprise. The study can truly reflects the representation, signs, behaviors and attitudes of civil servants’ desire to engage in greed. At the same time, the study explores the current operation situation of Taiwanese integrity system, to understand and find problems, difficulties, dilemmas and deficiencies in the practice of the operation.
Finally, this study based on the research findings, proposes some conclusions and recommendations. Hope that the study can contribute to the promotion and implementation of clean government work, so that the problems of anti-corruption, corruption prevention and investigation can be improved.
起訖頁 251
關鍵詞 清廉貪腐預防貪腐廉政機構貪瀆犯罪白領犯罪IntegrityCorruptionCorruption PreventionCivil Service EthicsCivil Servants’ CorruptionWhite Collar Crime
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中正大學 
該期刊-上一篇 網路販毒犯罪模式與防制對策之研究
該期刊-下一篇 藥物進階濫用青少年戒除濫用行為與復原歷程之研究




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