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The Discussion on Eight Characters in Zuo Zhuan by Their First Names & Courtesy Names
作者 黃聖松 (Huang Sheng-sung)




According to the volumes of Zuo Zhuan in sequence, this article discusses the relevance between first names and courtesy names of the eight characters in the text. The following eight characters are in sequence of volumes: Dà-fū (the senior official of Chǔ State), Pān Wāng’s courtesy name is “Shī-shū”; Sī-mǎ (the military official of Sòng State), Huáng Yún’s is “Jiāo”; Pú zī fū’s (from Jǔ State) is “Yú-hóu”; Liáng Yǎng’s (from Jìn State) is “Yú-zǐ”; Dà-fū (the senior official of Zhèng State), Yóu Sù’s is “Zi-kuān”; Wáng-sūn Jǔ’s (Wèi Líng Gōng’s grandson) is “Shāng”; Dà-zǎi (the official of Wú State), Pǐ’s is “Zi-yú”and Dà-fū (the senior official of Jìn State), Sī-mǎ Yín’s is “Hè” (probably). Sī-mǎ Yín & Dǒng Hè is actually a person with two different first names; however, it is uncertain whether Yín or Hè is the first name or courtesy name, therefore, this article shows them both. The relevance between first names and courtesy names of these eight characters is literal meaning such as Huáng Yún, Wáng-sūn Jǔ and Dà-zǎi Pǐ; or it is opposite meaning, for instance, Yóu Sù and Sī-mǎ Yín (Dǒng Hè). Moreover, it is also similar meaning like Pú zī fū and Liáng Yǎng. Pān Wāng is another example for taking an old saying.


起訖頁 057-094
關鍵詞 《東周列國志》《左傳》人物Zuo Zhuancharactersfirst namecourtesy name
刊名 人文研究學報  
期數 202210 (56:0期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學
該期刊-上一篇 盧嘉興台灣鹽業研究論文之回顧與補述
該期刊-下一篇 黃侃——現代文選學創立者




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