The main factors that are facing the exit of private schools in Taiwan are: the education policy in the 1990s, and the reduction of children. Based on the background of the above opening, this article intends to review the “Private Schools above Senior High School Exit Act” which passed in the Legislative Yuan on April 22, 2022, and promulgated by the President on May 11 of the same year, from the perspective of the autonomy and public nature of private schools.
The “Private Schools above Senior High School Exit Act” hereinafter referred to as the Act) shall be reviewed and analyzed. In this article, the first review is on the autonomy and publicity of private schools. Secondly, it compares and analyzes the laws and regulations related to the private school exit mechanism and related drafts. Finally, the important points of contention in this Act are commented and analyzed. Due to the wide range of issues involved in the withdrawal of private schools, this article intends to focus on the indicators of private school withdrawal and related issues derived from them.