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The Application and the Construction of Japanese e-Learning Website and Data Collection
作者 黃淑妙

由於新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的影響,從 2020 年開始出現因隔離、檢疫或預 防等衍生停課情形,為使弦歌不輟,利用網際網路的遠距線上教學,已被教育主管 機關承認並大量運用,俾便無法出席的師生能教學互動。爰此,為讓學生能在遠端 上課能有效率取得自學資源,經嘗試將學生平常使用的網站、我們已開發的系統與 日本大學使用的網站,綜整成「日語學習網站與資料彙整」(簡稱 JeLD),以線 上數位學習方式作為輔助,也可用於研究學習效果的參考。 「日語學習網站與資料彙整」目前收錄已達 70 餘個網站,概分為 12 種。本稿 除介紹其在本校的試用結果之外,也將利用其中的 AI 人工智慧,分析收錄在語料 庫及文庫的「台灣日語學習者語料庫」(CTLJ)、學習網站的「以 CTLJ 為本之日 語線上數位學習教材」的同題作文,比較本地學習者與日語母語者所寫的作文特徵 差異,作為日後強化教學參考。



Due to the impact of Covid-19, distance education has been approved by the Ministry of Education and implemented all over the country as an alternative during the pandemic. In order to provide for this new situation in which students’ self-study is deemed to increase exponentially, we have tried to create a databank, Japanese e-Learning Website and Data Collection (JeLD). The collection consists of over 70 databases, repositories and academic and educational sources selected from students’ most visited websites. JeLD aims to increase the efficiency of online data collection from educational media sources, Japanese language systems and academic websites used by universities in Japan. This paper aims to show the results of the application of JeLD in NCKU and of the AI analysis of essays collected from corpus and e-Learning website in JeLD, e.g. the corpus of Taiwanese learner of Japanese (CTLJ) and Japanese e-Learning based on CTLJ. Furthermore, the latter helps improve teaching methods by comparing different characteristics of writing between native Japanese and non-natives.


起訖頁 137-160
關鍵詞 日語學習日語學習網站與資料彙整(JeLD)台灣日語學習者語料庫(CTLJ)線上數位學習教材AI 人工智慧Japanese learning Japanese e-Learning Website and Data Collection (JeLD)the Corpus of Taiwanese Learner of Japanese (CTLJ)e-Learningartificial intelligence
刊名 台灣應用日語研究  
期數 202206 (29期)
出版單位 台灣日語教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 在日中國留學生媒體意象之建構─從 2003 年到 2008 年




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