The Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) has long been promoting smart healthcare. In 2014, the National Healthcare Quality Award (NHQA) began to organize smart healthcare competitions. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan’s achievements in pandemic prevention technology have been recognized by the world, which constitutes an opportunity for the development of Taiwan’s smart healthcare industry. The conclusion made by the 2021 Bio Taiwan Committee and digital healthcare policies promoted by the Act For The Development Of Biotech And New Pharmaceuticals Industry also contribute to the future cooperation between healthcare institutions and the industry. Innovation through point–line–plane progression enables promoting the full digital transformation of clinical procedure and implementing industrialization plans. Therefore, JCT established Health Smart Taiwan (HST) platform to guide product development by combining industry and clinical expertise. In the process of promoting digital transformation, attention must be paid to identifying potential patient safety risks, JCT also develops Information Technology related Patient Safety (ITPS) platform to help build an agile and resilient medical system through information and communications technology. After overcoming the pandemic, Taiwan will enter the era of smart healthcare.