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A Participatory Action Research on Using Embedded Instruction to Facilitate Science Inquiry Learning Effects of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Limited Verbal Functioning in Self-Contained Classes
作者 吳雅萍 (Ya-Ping Wu)陳明聰 (Ming-Chung Chen)




Two researchers and two special education teachers and paraprofessionals from two self-contained classes conducted a participatory action research combined a case study for one year. Based on the evidence-based practice, the embedded instruction format contained ex-plicit instruction and augmentative and alternative communication was designed in the action plan. The purpose of the research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of embedded in-struction implemented within a science inquiry curriculum with group instruction for two autisms with low verbal function. After implementation, the action plan was also redesigned. The redesign process involved changes to the organization and teaching strategies in the group science inquiry curriculum for teaches, and a comprehensive training on augmentative and alternative communication, response-prompting strategy, and fading procedure for paraprofessionals. The source of data collection embraced the qualitative data and the quan-titative data, and was analyzed by a constant comparative method and descriptive statistical analysis. The results demonstrated the embedded instruction plan can be used to promote science learning of autisms in group science inquiry curriculum, including an increase in the autisms’ levels of participation in the group science inquiry curriculum and acquired science terms and definition from embedded instruction, and reached mastery in the scientific achievement test of some units. The error analysis showed the questions about experimental variables, inference, and generalization. However, the data also showed an improvement with the number of units introduced. Implications for practice and suggestions for future research are also discussed.


起訖頁 001-030
關鍵詞 嵌入式教學(EmI)科學探究精確教學法(EI)輔助溝通(AAC)自閉症(ASD)參與式行動研究(PAR)embedded instructionscience inquiryexplicit instruction augmentative and al-ternative communicationautism spectrum disorderparticipatory action research
刊名 特殊教育學報  
期數 202112 (54期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 國小注意力缺陷過動症學生、學習障礙伴隨注意力缺陷過動症問題學生與一般學生在魏氏兒童智力量表第五版(WISC-V)表現差異之探討




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