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從Dirty Work到專業化法國護佐的職能發展與職涯困境
From ''dirty work'' to Professionalization: the Competence Development and the Career Predicament of the Nurse's Aides in France
作者 李韶芬 (Shao-fen Lee)

無論是由於Covid-19還是世界人口老化的趨勢,Care成為標誌21世紀的關鍵字。各國無不苦思迎戰照顧危機的對策,其中,照護人力訓練與專業化佔據重要位置。本文爬梳法國最重要的失能照護人力—護佐(aide-soignant)的職業類別逾百年的歷史發展脈絡,如何從接收護理人員下放的「dirty work」,到追求自身的專業性,如何從職業階層中被忽視的底層位置,到公開疾呼政府與社會正視照護的困境。本文檢視護佐職能發展的訓練制度,與其他文憑資格的轉銜機制、職業流動,以及促進照顧勞動市場發展的政策配套。相對於專業化要求的不斷演進,護佐卻面臨勞動條件艱困,職業聲望與薪資低落、職涯展望受限等困境,這一個弔詭的反差將是法國政府實踐「老人自主」的政策目標須跨越的挑戰。



With the Covid-19 pandemic and the worldwide trend of population aging, ’’Care’’ has become one keyword marking the 21 century. This essay delineates the nearly 100 years history of the professional development of nurse’s aide in France. From passively receiving the dirty work delegated by nurses to actively pursuing professionalism on the job, nurse’s aides have started to urge the government to resolve the various predicaments in the care work.

The author examines the training systems of the nurse’s aide, the transition to the profession with other qualifications, professional mobility, and the policies to facilitate the development of a care labor market in France. In contrast of the growing demands of professionalism in this field, nurse’s aides face difficult working conditions, low professional prestige and compensations, and limited professional prospects. This contradiction is the challenge the French government have to overcome to achieve the goal of the senior people’s autonomy.


起訖頁 001-036
關鍵詞 照護護佐訓練文憑資格骯髒工作CareNurse's Aide (aide-soignant)TrainingQualificationDirty work
刊名 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊  
期數 202112 (11:3期)
出版單位 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 台灣長期照顧督導職務層級之職能分析




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