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Fort Zeelandia in the 17th-century Dutch Formosa: Its Construction Process and Relationship to the Early Modern Ideas of European Fortification Design
作者 黃恩宇 (En-Yu Huang)

1624年荷蘭東印度公司於南台灣的大員(現今台南安平)設立貿易據點,並在當地沙丘上構築熱蘭遮堡。經過多年擴建,該堡壘發展成一座大型軍事要塞,具有上層主堡、下層主堡、沙土基座、外堡等四個部位,堡內則有各類建物,包括長官公署、士兵營舍、公司人員住所、奴隸住所、倉庫、彈藥庫、監獄、教堂等等。在台灣荷治時期(1624-1662),熱蘭遮堡不僅扮演軍事防禦之角色,亦具有行政治理與貨物儲存之作用。熱蘭遮堡無疑是17世紀荷蘭東印度公司在東亞地區規模最大的軍事建築,也是荷治福爾摩沙最具重要意義的多功能建物。基於上述重要性,本論文將以兩個主要部分,分別探討兩個與熱蘭遮堡建築有關的重要主題。 第一個部分探討熱蘭遮堡的建築營造歷程。本文根據歷史文獻與歷史圖像的梳理與比對,提出熱蘭遮堡營造歷程的五個重要階段,並檢視各階段的歷史背景,包括公司在福爾摩沙的經營與發展、巴達維亞總督與台灣長官對於防禦工事的態度、以及福爾摩沙或大員所面臨的各類敵人與天災之威脅。在各階段的歷史背景下,將探討熱蘭遮堡的工程項目、參與人員、材料來源、以及構造與形式之特徵。根據討論成果,本文亦製作「荷治時期熱蘭遮堡各階段工程綜覽圖」,以呈現五個階段的營造重點、關鍵工程所涉年代、以及歷任長官與堡壘營造的關係。 第二個部分探討熱蘭遮堡建築與早期現代歐洲堡壘設計思維之關聯。本文將檢視義大利文藝復興對於歐洲早期現代防禦工事設計的發展,以及荷蘭於八十年戰爭(1568-1648)期間出現的「舊荷蘭系統」防禦工事設計。接著根據荷蘭本土及荷蘭東印度公司亞洲據點的堡壘案例,釐清舊荷蘭系統的幾個重要原則。最後再與歷史圖像所呈熱蘭遮堡建築特徵進行比較,以分析其與歐洲/荷蘭早期現代堡壘設計思維之關聯。根據分析成果,本文確認熱蘭遮堡相當程度反映了歐洲及荷蘭早期現代的堡壘設計思維,特別是堡壘的稜堡形式。然而,本文也發現某些熱蘭遮堡特徵無法以歐洲/荷蘭早期現代的堡壘設計思維進行解釋,而可能源自其他理由或動機,這些仍值得未來後續研究進一步探討。



In 1624, Dutch East India Company (VOC) set up a trading post in Taiowan in southern Taiwan (now Anping, Tainan) and there built Fort Zeelandia on a hill. After years of expansion, this fort was developed into a large-scale fortress which comprises four parts – the upper main fort, the lower main fort, the earth foundation and the outer fort. Inside Fort Zeelandia, there were a variety of buildings including a governor’s house, houses of company staffs, barracks of soldiers, houses of slaves, warehouses, arsenals, prisons, a church, etc. In the Dutch rule period of Taiwan (1624-1662), Fort Zeelandia did not only play a role in military defense but also had the functions of administrative governance and cargo storage. Undoubtedly, Fort Zeelandia was the largiest military building complex of the Dutch VOC in the 17th-century East Asia and the most prominent and significant multi-purpose building in Dutch Formosa. On account of the significance as mentioned above, this paper consists of two main parts, and each part aims to explore one important theme related to the architecture of Fort Zeelandia. The first part discusses the construction process of Fort Zeelandia. By means of the analysis and comparison of a variety of historical texts and images, this paper in the first place divides the construction process of this fort into five main stages and then reviews the historical background of each stage, such as the management and development of the Dutch VOC in Formosa, the respective attitudes of Governor-Generals in Batavia and Governors in Formosa toward the defense of Taiowan, and the various enemies and natural disasters that threatened Formosa or Taiowan. Under the historical background of each stage, an in-depth discussion of the construction works, the personnel involved in the construction works, the sources of building materials, and the constructional and formal characteristics of Fort Zeelandia will be conducted. On basis of the above discussion, this paper presents a chart as the overview of the construction process of Fort Zeelandia, which shows the important projects in the five main stages, the years when the significant projects were carried out, and the relationship between the governors’ terms and the construction process of this fort. The second part analyzes the relationship between the architecture of Fort Zeelandia and the early modern ideas of European fortification design. This paper first reviews how Italian Renaissance influenced the progress of the European fortification design in the early modern period and then introduces the fortification design of the so-called ‘Old-Netherlands System’ developed during the Eighty Years’s War (1568-1648). Moreover, according to several examples of fortification design in the Netherlands and the Asian posts of the Dutch VOC, the obvious principles of the Old-Netherlands System will be clarified. Finally, by means of the comparison between these principles and the formal craracteristics of Fort Zeelandia shown in the historical images, this paper will further analyze the relationship between the early modern ideas of European/Dutch fortification design and the architecture of Fort Zeelandia. On the basis of the above analysis, this paper confirms that the architecture of Fort Zeelandia to a great degree reflects the early modern ideas of European and Dutch forfification design. However, this paper also points out some formal characteristics of Fort Zeelandia which can hardly be explained by the modern ideas of European or Dutch forfification design. These formal characteristics are probably the results of other reasons or motives which are worth further discussion in the follow-up research.


起訖頁 043-068
關鍵詞 荷蘭東印度公司荷治福爾摩沙熱蘭遮堡熱蘭遮市鎮舊荷蘭系統Dutch East India Company (VOC)Dutch FormosaFort ZeelandiaZeelandia CityOld-Netherlands System
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202109 (117期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 殖民的規訓營造──廈門租界的個案(1840s~1940s)
該期刊-下一篇 基於透空式建築型態的街谷細懸浮微粒汙染物擴散數值模擬




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