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Building Colonial Discipline: The Case of Xiamen Concession During 1840s~1940s
作者 陳逸杰 (I-Chieh Chen)

本文旨在重新檢視19世紀中葉後,廈門租界在通商口岸的建構下,如何以殖民工程科學論述的移植,進行租界的空間營造。文中將指出這樣的殖民行動目的在於確保殖民者在殖民地的衛生與安全,以確保殖民行動的遂行,方式上是經由科學觀察、調查、測量和統計的殖民現代性營造,一種帶有非正式帝國(informal empire)領土延伸的具體空間部署。這種非正式的殖民營造,是一種主體被遮蔽的建構過程。作者認為,19世紀萌芽的科學且正當的社會進化理論,提供了像英國這樣的殖民帝國在晚清中國租界擴張的一個自然化邏輯的依據;同時,藉由知識掌控,進而利用殖民地資源,以增進各種帝國殖民行動的經濟利益。這種來自於殖民主義擴張所確立的空間部署,使得想像中的地理願望在這一部署行動中被化為確立的政治連結、經濟依賴與地景改造的物質空間性。諸如廈門租界也在這種全景敞視論(panopticism)的機制下,而被予以殖民規訓營造。



This article would like to rediscover the spatial planning and management of the treaty area in Xiamen(廈門)during the 1840s~1930s. It argues that the Xiamen concession shaped the treaty port by transplanting the modern engineering-science. The author thought that British Empire used the neutralization logic for science and legitimated the social evolution to encroach concessions of the Qing dynasty in the late nineteenth century, and enhanced various interests of colonial acts by controlling knowledge simultaneously. This spatial disposition made geographical desire of colonial imagination be a physical space of political connection and economical dependency and remodeled. The informal colonization was a constructional process of a hidden subject. The Xiamen concession built the colonial discipline based on the method of panopticism. This article will point out the purpose of colonial act aimed on ensuring the hygiene and health of Colonizers in Xiamen concession. In practice, it concerned building colonial modernity by observing, surveying, measuring the statistics of science that was a spatial disposition referring to extended territory of informal empire.


起訖頁 025-042
關鍵詞 衛生控制非正式帝國全景敞視論Hygiene ControlInformal EmpirePanopticism
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202109 (117期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣建築物騎樓整平計畫之研究:內政部及臺北市政府騎樓整平計畫法令及執行之分析
該期刊-下一篇 17世紀荷治福爾摩沙的熱蘭遮堡:其建築營造歷程及與歐洲早期現代堡壘設計思維之關聯




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