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The Research of Smart Building Security Monitoring Data Application Legal Issue and Strategy
作者 王自雄 (Tzu-Hsiung Wang)周晨蕙 (Chen-Hui Chou)




Smart building can gather information from the environment inside and outside to optimize temperature, lighting, and other elements. Because of this, Smart building can provide comprehensive, convenient, intelligent, and interactive services for both individuals and their surroundings. While Smart building bringing numerous benefits, it also causes severe threats to user privacy. The data that collected by Smart building, such as sensory data or contextual data, part of them could be seen as personal information. If someone want to design buildings or systems that collect and track any data with personal information, they must be compliant with regulation. Not all company could bear the burden of regulation. For reducing the burden of regulation, this article research smart building data legal issue, and focus on security monitoring question. First of all, this article will interview related operator to understand actual situation, then analyze the practicing law of European, United Kingdom and Japan. At last, this article will according the above research, and propose strategy of security monitoring data application.


起訖頁 105-122
關鍵詞 智慧建築個人資料資料應用Smart BuildingPersonal DataData Application
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202106 (116期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 近代化改造下臺南都市軸線的變遷




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