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Improving the Accuracy of Medical Records: A Project forSurgical Nurse Practitioners
作者 胡悛愉 (Chuan-Yu Hu)王美惠林佩昭 (Pei-Chao Lin)陳淑惠



解決方案:2017 年9月至2018 年4月透過建置多元化雲端資料庫、推廣數位教材、舉辦面授課程、問題導向病歷寫作小組教學、制定審查與獎勵辦法。

結果評值:病歷紀錄正確性平均95.9 分,個人得分達90分以上者共96.7%,達成專案目標。




Background & Problems: Medical record inaccuracy affects not only the safety of patients but also the quality of medical care in hospitals. The audit revealed the accuracy of the medical records of 30 surgical nurse practitioners was low (average score was 86.6, and only 43.3% of individuals scored 90 and above). Difficulties in writing and ex-pressing in English, limitations of disease assessment and health care knowledge, the non-friendly electronic medical record system, insufficient education and training, deficiency in writing templates, and lack of audit mechanisms were the factors caused medical record inaccuracies. These factors were revealed by the questionnaire, observations, and interviews.

Purpose: The project aimed to improve medical records accuracy to at least average 90 points, and ensure 88.7% of individuals score 90 points and above.

Strategies Procedures: From September 2017 to April 2018, strategies including establishment of a diverse cloud database, promotion of digital teaching materials, holding face-to-face courses and problem-oriented medical record writing group courses, and setting audit and reward rules were implemented.

Outcome Evaluation: Results revealed that the average accuracy of the medical record was 95.9 points, and 96.7% of individuals scored 90 points and above. The aims of the project were achieved.

Conclusions: The multiple teaching strategies of this project and the digital teaching materials database could be ex-tended to the internal medicine nurse practitioners and be included in training course for novice nurse practitioners.


起訖頁 050-059
關鍵詞 病歷紀錄病歷紀錄正確性專科護理師medical recordsmedical record accuracynurse practitioners
刊名 台灣專科護理師學刊  
期數 202106 (8:1期)
出版單位 台灣專科護理師學會
該期刊-上一篇 老年人肌少症之臨床照護指引
該期刊-下一篇 一位49歲女性以反覆性右膝紅腫痛表現




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