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臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Community Work Forum: On Practical Training and Qualifications
作者 李易駿 (Yih-jiunn LEE)賴兩陽 (Leang-yang Lai)黃肇新 (Chao-Hsing Huang)謝振裕 (Cheng-Yu Hsieh)許雅惠 (Ya-Hui Hsu)





Community work and community development are two different areas of professional working methods and policy program. But nowadays community work depends on community development because of the unclear professional development and the long-standing historical factors of community development policy. In particular, various departments of the Taiwan Government, both local and central, have opened up the issue of the professionalization of community workers and community leaders empowerment by training, some entitled the name of community construction worker and community planners.

What is the professional significance of community work-related personnel? Is it a professional degree? Is it a practitioner license? Or the front-end connotation of the license, that is, the core competence and function of the so-called community development work? Or advanced functions on the community site? These topics cover a wide range of community workers pathways and different concerns. Teaching curriculum with required core competence for practitioners is the most traditional meaning of professionalization. But for those who are already in community site, what does the professional connotation of these experienced or on-job workers?

In the process of professionalization of social workers, these issues are discussed in a similar way. The issues of professionalization have been fully discussed, communicated, clarified, dialogued, and then gradually shaped into a social consensus, and finally reached to the social workers’ certificate. Only when the professional license has earned its social recognition, issues like the extended professional protection and social work ability standards were settled down. Take the career pathway development of social workers in Taiwan as reference, the Taiwan Society for Community Work and Community Studies start up this forum and invited respectful scholars to participate in this frontier discussion. In this forum, related issues and conditions of community work in Taiwan have been discussed, which are expected to lead to more discussions and studies.


起訖頁 181-198
關鍵詞 社區發展社區工作者核心能力Community DevelopmentCommunity WorkersCore Competency
刊名 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊  
期數 202104 (11:1期)
出版單位 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣在學國際大學生的融合互動:以大學暑期社區服務為例




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