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Access to Lawyers: A Comparative Analysis of the Supply of Lawyers in China and the United States
作者 Ethan Michelson (Ethan Michelson)
臺大法律學院非常榮幸邀請到美國印第安納大學布魯明頓分校法學院Ethan Michelson教授,為我們演講關於中國及美國律師供給數量及其分布的實證研究結果與分析。Ethan Michelson教授比較中國及美國律師的供給,分析人民接近使用律師的發展趨勢,並根據統計資料,進一步討論兩國法律服務規模的擴張,解釋律師在城市之間的遷徙。與談人張文貞教授簡要比較中國及臺灣的法律專業發展,Ethan Michelson教授在回應張永健教授及其他與會學者的提問及評論時,同時討論中國及美國的律師處理案件類型的差異,並解釋中國律師登錄集中於大城市的原因,以及律師在公共政策與人權議題上所可能扮演的角色。
Growth in the legal profession has had different implications on access to lawyers worldwide. National Taiwan University College of Law is honored to have Professor Ethan Michelson in this roundtable discussion to compare and contrast the trend in supply and access to lawyers in the U.S. and China. Based on his survey, Professor Michelson highlights the expansion of the legal profession in the U.S. and China, and explains the migration of lawyers. Professor Wen-Chen Chang presents a brief comparison of the developments in the legal profession of China and Taiwan. In answering to comments and questions raised by Professor Yun-Chien Chang and other participants, Professor Michelson compares the type of cases practiced by lawyers that make the bulk of work in legal practice in the U.S. and China. He further explains registration of lawyers in China, and their potential roles in public policy and human rights.
起訖頁 224-255
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 201203 (7:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 The Birth and Rebirth of the Judicial Review in Taiwan-Its Establishment, Empowerment, and Evolvement
該期刊-下一篇 On the Creation of World Court of Human Rights




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