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Health Care and Adult Social Care in England: An Overview and Critique with Lessons for Taiwan
作者 Rhidian Hughes (Rhidian Hughes)Tsung-Hsi Fu (Tsung-Hsi Fu)
The health care and social care system in Taiwan is less developed than those in Western countries. In particular, the English system has developed considerably over the last forty years. Future development of policy in Taiwan could benefit by a study of these other systems to better understand the effectiveness and quality of their services, which are structured differently than the Taiwanese system. The first part of the paper provides high-level background information on health care and social care in England, with a brief overview of the regulatory framework. The critique draws on evidence taken largely from regulatory activities as a means of exploring the impact of two key policy agendas in England: (1) improved personalization of care, to ensure that the services are focused on the people who are most in need of them; and (2) integration of care, to ensure that the services are linked with partnering agencies as a way to increase the comprehensiveness, integration, and coordination of the services. The final part of the paper draws key implications from the English experience and applies these to Taiwan. The paper builds on a small but growing field of social policy research that the two nations share in common.
起訖頁 217-254
關鍵詞 Health careSocial careComparative policyEngland
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201112 (10:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 國外公共退休基金管理制度之發展及對我國的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 理解福利國家:結構和制度的雙元競爭,以及文化的遺落




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