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The Differentiated Effects of Process-Oriented Design and Learning Strategy Instruction in DynamicAssessment for First Graders' Learning onWord ProblemSolving
作者 許家驊
本研究旨在探討不同歷程導向設計(歷程導向及非歷程導向)及學習策略中介教導(認知整合後設認知及歸因、認知整合歸因、認知)動態評量設計對不同層次(認知及高層心智)個體解題潛能開展效益之影響,採二因子2×3 變異數實驗設計外加參照組進行,實驗細格施予不同處理組合,參照組給予自我練習。結果發現在不同層次表現,兩因子間雖無整體交互作用,然各具主要效果,歷程導向顯著優於非歷程導向且有助於解題及遷移,認知整合後設認知及歸因顯著優於餘二者,且有助於解題及自我調節表現,但後二者間無顯著差異,各組均顯著優於參照組並具大幅效果值及關聯強度。故採歷程導向、認知整合後設認知及歸因中介設計,其不同層次促進效益優於其他中介形式。
ANOVA with a 2×3 factorial experimental design was used to examine effects of the independent variables of xxx and xxx on the dependent variables of xxx and xxx. A contingent control group was added to clarify the effects of treatment vs. no-treatment. No interaction effect was reported. However, the main effects of the variables of xxx and xxx were found on xxx as well as the simple gain scores, deferred gain scores and transfer performances except for the scores of self-regulated learning (SRL) in process-oriented design (POD). The effects of POD are better than counterpart both on solving and transfer scores , the effects of cognitive integrated metacognitive with attribution strategy instruction are better than others both on solving and SRL scores, but there are no differences on the scores of cognitive integrated attribution and cognitive strategy instruction. Finally, the effects of all treatment groups are better than control group.
起訖頁 127-154
關鍵詞 可能發展區間解題自我調節解題歷程動態評量學習策略學習潛能dynamic assessment (DA) of mathematical problem solving (MPS)learning potentiallearning strategyself-regulation in MPSzone of proximal development (ZPD)
刊名 教育心理學報  
期數 201109 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
該期刊-上一篇 重度與極重度肢體障礙者輔助科技長期介入成果研究
該期刊-下一篇 成人依附、社交自我效能、困擾的自我揭露、寂寞與憂鬱之關係:以有戀愛經驗的大學生為例




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