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A Cross-Country Comparative Study on Democratic Governance in Metropolitan Cities
作者 劉子昱廖達琪
On December 26, 2010, Taiwan legally achieved the biggest administrative integration among several highly populated and neighbored cities and counties in her own history. The so-called direct jurisdictional municipalities by the central government have increased from the previous two, Taipei & Kaohsiung, to five, plus New Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan. Although Taiwan has legally entered the era of five metropolitan cities, the structures and the functions of the five are still subject to debate and discuss. One of the hot debating issues is: whether the structures and functions of a metropolitan city should be more democratically or more efficiently oriented? In general, democratic governance and efficient management are quite apart from each other in terms of institutional designs. For instance, if democratic governance is the leading principle in governmental institutional design, the entire organizational structure should be relatively flat and open up for public participation. On the contrary, if efficiency is the primary concern for a governmental institution, its organizational design should be more hierarchically oriented, and quite discourage a check and balance system. The main question raised by the paper then is: whether the democratic governance or the efficient management principle plays a more important role in the organizational design of metropolitan cities in democracies? In order to answer this question, this paper selects several metropolitan cities across different geographical and historical areas to be compared. These cities include: New York, London, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, and Sidney. The paper expects to derive lessons from these metropolitan cities regarding how to balance between the necessity of democratic rule and the demand of efficient management within their governmental institutional designs. These lessons hopefully can offer some insights for Taiwan to learn and to consider how to further improve the quality of governance across the five metropolitan cities.
起訖頁 33-56
關鍵詞 民主治理施政效率台灣五都大都政府組織地方自治democratic governancegoverning efficiencyTaiwan five metropolitan citiesmetropolitan governmental systemlocal autonomy
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201109 (2:2期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 高雄縣市合併後社區大學推動學習型城市角色初探
該期刊-下一篇 高屏地區生態經濟系統演變與比較分析--以能值分析為例




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