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A Preliminary Exploration of the Community Universities’ Role in the Promotion of Learning City after the Consolidation of Kaohsiung City and County
作者 何青蓉方雅慧
Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County have just undergone the process of areas consolidation at the end of year 2010 for the purpose of enhancing competitiveness of regional development. In this context, Kaohsiung community universities have to reevaluate their roles on lifelong learning in the city. Moreover, establishing city-scale learning system has been a trend in the advanced countries. Through literature review and the focus group study method, this study therefore attempts to gather comments and ideas of those who concern the development of community universities about the prospective role of the community university in lifelong learning. By referring to the Learning City Indicators in “Towards a European Learning Society” (TELS), this study found that the ideal and vision of the community university coincide with those of international learning cities. Three indicators-“information and communication”, “partnerships and resources” and “environment and citizenship”-were mentioned mostly. Among them, community universities should actively involve in creating “partnerships and resources” in the city. So far, community universities have already accomplished a great deal in the aspect of “environment and citizenship”. Further, they can use “information and communication” to shape the unique image of the community university, and also concern “wealth creation, employment and employability” and “learning events and family involvement”. Lastly, this study reminds that the promotion of ‘learning city’ depends on the collaboration among every sector in the city, and the Kaohsiung City Government plays a crucial role. Also, city’s vision for the future and lifelong learning policy should be positioned as a premise. Public sector’s governance rationale toward community universities is fundamentally important.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 區域合併公民素養學習型城市/區域社區大學終身學習area consolidationactive citizenshiplearning city/regioncommunity universitylifelong learning
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201109 (2:2期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-下一篇 大都民主治理的跨國比較




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