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The Keelung Height Origin of Taiwan
作者 史天元
「水準原點」是高程系統中是一項十分重要的元素。雖然正高系統之水準零值基準,通常是以某一參考潮位站之一個天文週期的平均海水面定義,但是在具體實施上,「水準原點」具有更為關鍵的意義。臺灣自日據時期西元1914年環島水準測量開始,高程系統便以位於基隆港區內的潮位站為參考潮位站。臺灣光復後,於西元1975年及1984年分別進行之環島水準測量亦以基隆潮位站為基準,「水準原點」亦設置於基隆港附近。根據文獻,民國66年(西元1977年)內政部設置於海門公園內。因原點佚失,於民國91年,復設於海門公園。但是再次因交通開發,「水準原點」於民國102年遷移至基隆海洋科技博物館。本文謹就原點之變遷與現況說明,以為參考。 The height origin is an important element for the national vertical coordinate definition. Although the definition of the zero level in an orthometric system is usually the mean sea level derived from one astronomical epoch observations of a specific tidal station. But, in the realization and implementation of a national height system, the height origin plays an even more important role. The surveying of height in Taiwan started in 1914 while a leveling project circled the island. Keelung tidal station was selected as the reference for the project. After the Japanese occupation era, two island wide leveling projects conducted in 1975 and 1984 respectively were using Keelung tidal station as the reference as well. And, the height origin was established in Hai-Men Park nearby Keelung harbor in 1977. Due to unconfirmed reason, likely construction, the monument of this origin is lost. A new one was re-established in Hai-Men Park in 2002. Due to road construction, this monument is abandoned and a new one is established nearby National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, Keelung, in 2013. This paper introduces the current setting and provides a brief review of the history.
The height origin is an important element for the national vertical coordinate definition. Although the definition of the zero level in an orthometric system is usually the mean sea level derived from one astronomical epoch observations of a specific tidal station. But, in the realization and implementation of a national height system, the height origin plays an even more important role. The surveying of height in Taiwan started in 1914 while a leveling project circled the island. Keelung tidal station was selected as the reference for the project. After the Japanese occupation era, two island wide leveling projects conducted in 1975 and 1984 respectively were using Keelung tidal station as the reference as well. And, the height origin was established in Hai-Men Park nearby Keelung harbor in 1977. Due to unconfirmed reason, likely construction, the monument of this origin is lost. A new one was re-established in Hai-Men Park in 2002. Due to road construction, this monument is abandoned and a new one is established nearby National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, Keelung, in 2013. This paper introduces the current setting and provides a brief review of the history.
起訖頁 1-14
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201603 (35:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-下一篇 濁水溪沖積扇近期地表變形觀測




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