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An Analysis of the Criminality of Undifferentiated Violent Crimes from the Perspective of Personality
作者 洪莉鷗
Indiscriminate violent crimes are often executed because the perpetrator wantonly kills innocent people, but his subjective responsibility and psychological attitude have not been deeply studied by the judicial organs. Under the policy of “less killing, cautious killing” and building a harmonious society, the basis of death penalty discretion is not limited to the determination of the harm consequences of the behavior, but should also consider the personality responsibility that affects the spirit, emotion and mind of the doer and other subjective crimes. Innate personal qualities and nurture the growth of the environment will influence the formation of personality, therefore, the state and society shall share the responsibility with criminal and sentenced him to death rather than immediate execution is helpful to review national responsibility, social responsibility and individual personality, punishment shall be fairly and he has committed crimes, as well as to meet the real needs of vulnerable groups, Repair the damaged legal relationship, give consideration to the benefit of penalty and social benefit.
起訖頁 123-140
關鍵詞 反社會人格青年壓力精神障礙情緒犯罪社會邊緣人Antisocial personalityYouth pressureMental disordersEmotional crimeMarginalized people
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 202106 (32期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 審議式民主融入大學對話式教學策略初探
該期刊-下一篇 大型講座課程規劃與施行成效──以實踐大學高雄校區「生活藝術」課程為例




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