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高職變革因素、變革抗拒與變革策略關係之研究   全文下載 全文下載
A Study on The Relationship of Vocational High School Teachers' Change Factor, Change Resistance and Change Strategy in Taiwan
作者 韓繼成
本研究旨在探究高職變革因素、變革抗拒與變革策略的關係。研究方法包括文獻探討分析、前導性訪談、SWOTS分析及量化推論統計分析。研究者從85所公立高職抽取475位教師當作測試者。本研究結論如下:一、高職變革因素、變革抗拒現況屬於普通程度;策略願景、具體策略現況屬於重要程度;策略目標以維持現狀為主。二、影響高職變革因素以校內因素為主,並且變革因素與變革抗拒較輕的教師,有較高的變革策略。三、整體而言,大部份的高職背景變項與高職變革因素、變革抗拒及變革策略皆有因果關係。四、整體而言,技術流程因素、人員因素對變革策略具負向預測性,並且不利於變革策略的實施。校長職位對變革策略具正向預測性,在推動變革策略具關鍵的重要性。根據研究結論提供建議如下: 一、高職應實施合乎本國國情之組織變革,並緩慢變革以減少變革抗拒力。二、高職應加強內部因素的調整及作為。三、高職應重視校長職位,慎選校長當領航人。四、高職應當借重學校資深教師之工作經驗,提升變革策略。
A lot is expected of principals, yet very little is known about principals' internship preparation program in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of principal preparation and training in Taipei City by providing a background discussion of principal preparation process, specifically internship. Taipei Municipal University of Education is well-known for its initial preparation of school principals. The research method uses several qualitative methods, including triangulation, interview, field study and observation. The results comprise key challenges that confront the current internship operation. These challenges include (1) internship should be designed as one-year course, (2) mentor principals should be well-chosen, (3) mentor principals' pedagogy should focus more on the process of problem solving, (4) the design of internship should include curriculum leadership training, and (5) internship should include communication, strategic skill and dressing advise for future principals.
起訖頁 024-047
關鍵詞 變革因素變革抗拒變革策略高職組織變革
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201105 (73期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 技專校院教師之教學研究服務表現特色
該期刊-下一篇 「萌芽」校長的培育:中小學校長職前培育臨床實習實施之研究




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