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會議品質管理於校長學校領導之應用   全文下載 全文下載
Quality Management of Meeting on School Leadership
作者 張峰森
會議具有促進民主參與、增加決策合理性、提升成員組織認同等優點,但缺乏管理的會議往往造成「會而不議」、「議而不決」、「決而不行」的困境,使得會議功能無法彰顯,導致組織士氣低落。在校務行政中,參加會議占據校長相當多的辦公時間,也是影響校長行政效能的重要因素。因此,會議品質與效率是促進校長時間管理的關鍵。綜觀研究,對於會議管理的論述甚多,但未能發展出系統理論。因此,本文針對會議品質管理意義進行分析,歸納會議品質管理的技術,並探討校長會議品質管理的核心技術:(1) 建立學校會議標準化流程與品質管理制度;(2)妥善規劃會議前準備工作;(3)有效進行會議時間管理;(4)善用會議主持與決策技巧;(5)利用會議機會施展領導與政策推行;(6)促進成員思考並提升組織學習功能;(7)善用科技輔具提升會議效率,期望能精進校長會議品質管理能力,進而促進學校整體行政效率與效能。
Meeting with the promotion of democratic participation, rationality in decision-making and enhance the organizational agreement among members. However, the meeting lacking of management leads to indecisiveness and lows down the morale. In school administration, principals spend lots of time attending meetings, and the efficiency of meeting is the key factor to the principal’s time management. However, numbers of meeting management strategies were used but failed to develop a systematic theory. Therefore, this paper analyzes the meaning of quality management of meeting and summarizes the techniques of quality control of the meeting, also find out the application and inspiration to the principal school leadership and inspiration: (1) establish the standardization and quality management system of school meeting; (2)well-prepared for the meeting; (3) effective time management of meeting; (4) utilize management and the decision-making skills of meeting; (5) display leadership and policy implementation by meeting; (6) promote members to think over and enhance the function of organizational learning; (7) use auxiliary technology to enhance the efficiency of meeting, hoping to enhance the quality management of meetings of principal, thus, contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the school leadership.
起訖頁 111-128
關鍵詞 會議管理會議品質學校領導meeting managementquality of meetingschool leadership
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201103 (72期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
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