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從校長同儕評鑑談增進校長專業發展的可行性   全文下載 全文下載
Principals Peer Evaluation is Oneway to Enhance the Principals’ Professional Development
作者 武曉霞
教學專業與行政的專業,目前漸受重視,國中小校長身為學校的領導者,深切的影響一所學校;校長的專業發展與評鑑,也日漸受到重視。評鑑是提升校長專業發展的途徑之ㄧ,然而校長評鑑有其難為之處。本文嘗試以曾辦理過校長評鑑的新北市以及美國Chula Vista Elementary School District為例,來探討辦理校長同儕評鑑以促成校長專業發展的可行性。本文先探討在教育專業來臨的時代,校長評鑑的重要性及其基本概念,並分析在目前環境下,國民中小學校長進行校長評鑑的困難,並探究以校長同儕評鑑進行校長評鑑的可行性,最後並以國內唯一以校長團體自行辦理的校長評鑑的新北市經驗以及美國Chula Vista Elementary School District兩地區為例,來比較其異同之處;最後並提出對相關單位進行校長評鑑制度規劃及推動的建議。
Professional teaching and administration have received more and more attention. As the school leaders, junior high school and elementary school principals greatly influence their schools. Evaluation is one of the means by which principals gain professional development, yet principal evaluation has its difficulties. This paper attempts to discuss the feasibility of principals’ peer evaluation for the purpose of professional development, based on the case studies of Taipei county and Chula Vista Elementary School District in the U.S.A.This study focuses on the importance of principal evaluation and its basic ideas with the coming of educational professionalism. Moreover, it analyzes the difficulties of conducting the evaluation on the principals and explores the feasibility of conducting principal evaluation by means of peer evaluation. Finally, the similarities and differences will be compared between Taipei county, the only county in Taiwan where the principals have conducted principal evaluation on their own and Chula Vista Elementary School District in the U.S.A. The suggestions on the planning and promotion of principal evaluation system will also be given for the relavant departments to conduct principal evaluation.
起訖頁 023-038
關鍵詞 校長評鑑同儕評鑑專業發展principal evaluationpeer evaluationprofessional development
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201103 (72期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 校長分散式領導與教育成效關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 淺談幽默在校長領導之應用




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