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Improving Nurse's Ability of COVID-19 Care During the Surgical Recovery Period
作者 簡巧宜蕭偉伶
COVID-19確診、疑似、居家隔離、居家檢疫或需健康自主管理之病人,可能會有緊急手術之需求,統計恢復室護理師有進入開刀房內,照顧高風險傳染性疾病恢復期病人的實際經驗僅有19%,建立適當之手術恢復期感染管制的相關照護認知與執行能力,有其急迫性與必要性。本專案採用多元以快速反應為導向的策略,如舉辦恢復室照護為主軸的新冠肺炎照護課程、提供臨床案例討論平臺(LINE)、執行滾動式政策及作業規範更新、設計防護裝備快速反應用物盒、運用防護裝備備物表、QR code以及強化心理支持系統的夥伴制度。結果呈現護理師照護能力明顯提升認知與操作正確率,皆大於90%進而提升院內防疫安全網,希冀可在疫病期間,能提供特殊性雷同單位之照護參考。
Suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 patients who are in quarantine or self-health management at home may need emergency surgery. However, statistics revealed that only 19 per cent of all nurses in the recovery ward have had experience in looking after patients with high-risk infectious diseases in the operating theatre. Therefore, it is extremely urgent and necessary to build nurses' knowledge and competence of infection control care during the surgical recovery period. In this study, multiple quick-response oriented strategies were adopted, such as holding a course of COVID-19 patient care primarily based on recovery ward care, providing a clinical case discussion platform (LINE), continuously updating relevant policies and operating regulations, designing a protective equipment quick response kit, implementing a protective equipment list, and QR codes, and strengthening the partnership system as part of the psychological support system. The study results indicated that nurses' ability to care for patients with infectious diseases was improved significantly, demonstrating an accuracy of over 90 per cent in both cognition and operation, which in turn improved the hospitals' epidemic prevention safety net. This study can provide references for the care of special patients in similar units during the COVID-19 pandemic.
起訖頁 689-698
關鍵詞 新冠肺炎麻醉術後恢復照護COVID-19post anesthesiarecover care
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202109 (25:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 以德行倫理結合生命倫理四原則促進醫療人權
該期刊-下一篇 低血壓合併異常心律




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