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Retrospect of Studies on Ethnic Migration History (2017-2019) and Prospect of Research Trends (2004-2019)
作者 張素玢陳志豪 (Chih-Hao Chen)曾令毅
近年來臺灣史研究回顧與展望的工作,是在研究書目的整理上重新盤點相關研究的成果,說明學術研究的積累,並進一步聚焦觀察未來研究的可能性。本文即以移民族群史為主題,回顧2017-2019 年間的研究成果及其貢獻,並以較長時距的2004-2019 年,呈現移民族群史的研究特色與趨勢。根據本文的整理與分析,可見近年來移民族群史的研究在公部門支持下,客家族群的研究成果質量都大幅成長。在研究趨勢上,除了傳統移民遷徙、族群關係的課題外,族群認同、跨境等議題也開始受到重視,顯示移民族群史除了面對族群內部的歷史問題,也開始面對外部的人群移動與連結。此外,本文也以新近出版的論文集、專書作為討論基礎,說明移民族群史在後續的研究上,所能展開的更多討論空間與議題。
In recent years, studies on retrospect and prospect of Taiwan history have mainly analyzed past literature, examined relevant findings, expounded the academic insight accrued, and explored future research possibilities. On the theme of ethnic migration history, this article reviews research findings and contributions from 2017 to 2019 and reflects on trends and features of research over a longer span of time from 2004 to 2019. The analysis showed substantial increase and improvement in research on the Hakka ethnic group in recent years due to government support on studies of ethnic migration history. As for research trends, in addition to traditional topics on migration and ethnic relationships, issues such as ethnic identity and cross-border movement have started to receive attention, demonstrating that ethnic migration history deals not only with historical issues concerning internal ethnicity but also population movements and external connections. Moreover, by reviewing recently published proceedings and books, this article also expounds potential discussions and issues for further research in ethnic migration history.
起訖頁 231-287
關鍵詞 臺灣史移民族群認同客家遷移跨境社會網絡Taiwan HistoryMigrantsEthnic GroupsIdentityHakkaMigrationCrossborderSocial Network
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 202109 (28:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從解密檔案重估二戰後移入臺灣的外省籍人數




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