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作者 張瑋竣石明宗
研究結果顯示本研究建立之模式具有良好的配適度,「熱情」會經由「心理資本」的中介影響「運動表現」;「熱情」對「心理資本」的影響,以「強迫式熱情」較大,而「和諧式熱情」次之;「心理資本」對「運動表現」的影響,以「希望」為最主要因素,其次為「樂觀」及「堅韌性」,接續為「自我效能」。面對競爭激烈的籃球競賽場域,召募具有高度熱情的球員,經由球隊訓練與比賽過程,並運用斯多葛哲學(Stoicism)與情緒ABC理論(ABC Theory of Emotions)來幫助球員提升「心理資本」;進而強化籃球攻、守技能與團隊配合度,才能有效達成良好的「運動表現」。
The main purpose of this study was to clarify the impact of passion on psychological capital and sports performance, and to analyze whether psychological capital has a mediating effect between passion and sports performance. After establishing the research framework, the research conduct a questionnaire survey. The subjects were female second-level players in the 2023 High School Basketball League (HBL). Two hundred fifty questionnaires were distributed, and 143 valid questionnaires returned, with a response rate of 57.2%. The questionnaire data was analyzed using SPSS statistical software for sample structure distribution description, reliability analysis, chi-square test, t-test, and single-factor ANOVA. Using the structural equation model (SEM) partial least squares (PLS) software for measurement model, path model, and mediation effect test analysis.
The results showed that the model established in this study has a good fit. Passion affects sports performance through the mediation of psychological capital. The impact of passion on psychological capital is greater with obsessive passion, followed by harmonious passion. The impact of psychological capital on sports performance is mainly due to hope, followed by optimism and resilience, and then self-efficacy. In the highly competitive basketball competition field, it is necessary to recruit highly passionate players, through team training and competition processes, and to use Stoicism and the ABC Theory of Emotions to help players improve their psychological capital. Only by further strengthening basketball offensive and defensive skills and team coordination can we effectively achieve good sports performance.
起訖頁 25-43
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202409 (21期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 使用臺灣棒球應用程式(Taiwan Baseball APP)觀賞運動賽事使用者之行為意圖模式之研究
該期刊-下一篇 桌球專業課程介入對國小五年級學童學業成績影響之研究




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