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許多文獻發現增強式訓練可提升排球選手的身體能力(速度、敏捷、跳躍能力、反應時間),同時有部分文獻提出相反結果,與專項能力相關研究較少,因此搜尋1968 - 2023年的文獻資料庫,包括PubMed及華藝電子資料庫,有關增強式訓練及排球相關之中英文文獻,多數文章皆對跳躍能力進行討論且幾乎都有顯著效果;速度、敏捷能力顯著提升比例分別為87.5%與50%;反應時間與專項能力的研究相對較少,但也都有顯著進步的效果。經過整理後發現4~16週的增強式訓練能提升排球選手之跳躍能力、速度、敏捷等身體能力,對反應時間可能會有正向效果,給予排球員的增強式訓練頻率及訓練量不該有過高的負荷,不論性別與年齡每週約1~2次訓練且每次約40~80下觸地次數是相對既安全又能顯著達到訓練效益的負荷,訓練介入的時間長短則可依不同需求進行調整,未來研究可以往專項能力與反應時間方面進行探討。
Many studies have found that plyometric training can improve the physical abilities (speed, agility, jumping ability, and reaction time) of volleyball players. At the same time, some studies have suggested opposite results. There are few studies related to special abilities, so the litera-ture from 1968 to 2023 was searched. Databases, including PubMed and the Huayi Electronic Database, contain Chinese and English literature on plyometric training and volleyball. Most articles discuss jumping ability, and almost all have significant effects; the significant improve-ment rates for speed and agility are 87.5% and 50%; there are relatively few studies on reaction time and special ability, but they all have significant improvement effects. It was found that 4 to 16 weeks of plyometric training can improve volleyball players' jumping ability, speed, agility, and other physical abilities, and may have a positive effect on reaction time. The frequency and amount of plyometric training given to volleyball players should be moderate, regardless of gender and age, Training about 1 to 2 times a week and touching the ground about 40 to 80 times each time is a load that is relatively safe and can significantly achieve training benefits. The length of the raining intervention can be carried out according to different needs. Adjust-ment: future research can explore special abilities and reaction time.
起訖頁 191-203
刊名 中華體育季刊  
期數 202409 (38:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
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