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「習近平之發言作為」成為觀察中共政治情勢的核心指標,其個人思想也成為中共政治的重要動力。本研究試圖回答:「習近平意識形態體系特徵與其思想時序變化」,特別是與毛主義的關係。本研究之方法為「計算政治學/計算中國研究」,使用計算機為核心來探索人力難以發現的部分。具體而言,蒐集「習近平系列重要講話資料庫」中之講話文本,作為分析語料。使用程式技術如文字探勘(text mining)、自然語言處理(natural language processing)與深度學習(deep learning)演算法,建立分析模型,進行大量自動標註。本研究具體達成自動化機器處理大量語料,並具體實踐其批次流程分析;其次使用自然語言處理抽取其話語特徵;嘗試模型化其意識形態體系。本研究作為一個原型實驗(prototype experimental)論文,成功實踐了大量資料蒐集與運算,並且將大規模語料做到「概念分類」,並使用深度學習模型來完成標註與分析。具體而言,檢視習近平十年期間(2012年~2021年)的語詞使用以及其意識形態變化。研究發現,習近平意識形態確實有向毛主義螺旋上升的趨勢,對後毛主義提及較為穩定,但鬥爭傾向自「中美貿易戰」後逐漸升高。
Xi Jinping’s activities have become the core focus of the CCP’s political landscape, and his ideology has emerged as a significant driving force in Chinese politics. This study aims to answer the question:“What are the characteristics of Xi Jinping’s ideological system and its chronological evolution?”particularly in relation to Maoism. The methodology of this research is rooted in“computational politics/computational Chinese studies,”utilizing computational methods to explore aspects that are difficult to uncover manually. Specifically, the study collects speech texts from the“Xi Jinping Series of Important Speeches Database”as analytical material. By employing programming techniques such as text mining, natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning algorithms, the study builds analytical models for extensive automated annotation.
This research achieves two primary goals: first, it automates the processing of large volumes of textual data and implements batch process analysis; second, it uses NLP to extract discourse features and attempts to model Xi Jinping’s ideological system. As a prototype experimental paper, it successfully implements large-scale data collection and computation, achieving“concept classification”of extensive corpora and utilizing deep learning models for annotation and new research. Specifically, the study examines the vocabulary usage and ideological changes over Xi Jinping’s ten-year period (2012-2021). The findings indicate that Xi Jinping’s ideology indeed shows a spiral upward trend towards Maoism, with a relatively stable reference to post-Maoism, but with an increasing tendency towards struggle following the“China-U.S. trade war.”
起訖頁 79-108
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 202409 (63:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 美中科技競爭、科技權力、金融權力、人力資本、智慧財產
該期刊-下一篇 憲政體制對COVID-19疫情的回應:台灣半總統制經驗的研究




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