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隨著拜登政府(Biden Administration)對中國半導體、人工智慧以及資通訊產業進行制裁,美中兩大強權於科技領域內競爭態勢已經形成。學者與政府官員對於中國挑戰美國科技霸權感到憂慮。然而當前國際關係領域缺乏對總體科技實力建構有效測量指標,導致在衡量中國科技權力上產生偏誤。因此,本文從金融權力、人力資本和智慧財產三個面向出發,建構了一套測量國家總體科技權力的指標。從指標中可發現,儘管中國已成為科技強國之一,但其與美國之間仍存在顯著差距。透過比較個案研究發現相比於美國開放社會帶來金融與人員流動上的優勢,中國在政治經濟體制上的缺陷使其難以迎頭趕上。
As the Biden administration imposes sanctions on China’s semiconductor, artificial intelligence, and information and communication industries, a competitive stance in the technological arena has been established between the two powers, the United States and China. Scholars and government officials are concerned about China’s challenge to the US’s technological hegemony. However, there is a lack of effective measurement indicators for overall technological capability in the current field of international relations, leading to biases in assessing China’s technological power. Therefore, this paper constructs an index for measuring a nation’s overall technological power through three dimensions: financial power, human capital, and intellectual property rights. The index reveals that although China has established itself among the technological powerhouses, there remains a significant gap with the United States. Comparative case studies show that, compared to the advantages of financial and personnel mobility in the US’s open society, China’s deficiencies in its political and economic system make it difficult to catch up.
起訖頁 29-77
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 202409 (63:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 權力平衡理論之再推進:體系抑或狀態之辨
該期刊-下一篇 深度學「習」:以自然語言處理方法研究「習近平重要講話」意識形態與時序變化趨勢




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