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Structural shifts in the film coproduction network: Demonstrating CEPA’s effect on the Hong Kong–Mainland China coproduction network by using social network analysis
作者 張時健 (Shih-Chien Chang)
After the bilateral trade agreement Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement was signed, coproductions between the film industries in Hong Kong and mainland China have become mainstream. This has led to concerns about the future of Hong Kong’s film and its capability of engaging in international networking. This article applies the international division of cultural labor as a theoretical framework and uses social network analysis to investigate the functions performed by Hong Kong film workers. The article finds that (1) the proportion of Hong Kong film workers is not decreasing, (2) Hong Kong film workers excel at being creative but are losing influence, (3) mainland workers are gaining influence, particularly in administrative coordination, and (4) the producer-centered model is gaining prominence over the director-centered model. Accordingly, the article discusses the structural changes and movement of center occurring in the coproduction network where the coproductions could have little space for transnational expression.
起訖頁 61-107
關鍵詞 合製電影社會網路分析香港電影國際分工超國族電影coproduction moviesocial network analysisHong Kong cinemainternational division of labourtransnational cinema
刊名 臺灣傳播學刊  
期數 202406 (45期)
出版單位 中華傳播學會
該期刊-上一篇 一生理想破滅、價值敗壞的悲哀與覺醒:李怡《失敗者回憶錄》讀後感
該期刊-下一篇 傷痕文學視角下的後社運香港流行曲:沉默、抒情與暗碼書寫




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