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Visual Violence of Colony and Witnesses to Cultural Genocide: Retracing Cinema Experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan in Early Japanese Colonial Period
作者 劉現成
In colonial times, cinema is a vital tool to promote government orthodoxy and to preserve the civilization of the governed. The present study considered cinema’s attractive qualities and the logistics of perception in the process of documenting and perpetuating the cultural genocide of indigenous peoples through film. This study used a historiographical method to generalize historical materials and the cinema viewing experiences of indigenous peoples in Taiwan in the early Japanese colonial period. Furthermore, this study focused on two historical dimensions. The first dimension considers film viewing as a virtual tourism activity driven by the colonizers; films became the tools of the colonists’cultural expansion. The other dimension concerns images of military suppression of indigenous peoples; army cameras entered the territory of indigenous peoples like a weapon, recording brutal battles and witnessing the colonists’violence. Finally, the indigenous film experiences reflected the colonizers’policy of appeasement of the Tsou people in the south of Taiwan and subjugation of the Atayal people in the north.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 文化淸洗原住民電影電影史學電影吸引力認知後勤Cultural GenocideIndigenous CinemaFilm HistoriographyCinema of AttractionLogistics of Perception
刊名 臺灣傳播學刊  
期數 202406 (45期)
出版單位 中華傳播學會
該期刊-下一篇 從香港的社會變遷到臺港的傳播互動




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