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關於第三人稱指示的語言表現之研究——以問卷調查分析日文母語話者與日文學習者的異同(A Study about The Expression of Japanese Third Person Demonstratives:Focus on the Difference between Japanese Native Speakers and Japanese Learners by A Questionary Survey)
作者 陳嬿如
This study paid attention to the expression of the third person demonstratives, and did a questionary survey to know the difference between Japanese native speakers and the Chinese native speakers of Japanese learners. The conclusion is as follow. To indicate a friend of speaker, and the context that gender information was introduced, Both Japanese native speakers and Japanese learners used“kare/kanojyo”with higher frequency. But as to the teacher of listener, native speakers did not used third person pronoun very much, even the gender information was introduced. While the learners did. As for Japanese native speakers, the utilization of“the proper noun”rose by introducing the name into the context. In other context, the“demonstrative pronouns”were used more frequently. On the other hand, Japanese learners used more“third person pronouns”to indicate the friend of speakers, and the“proper noun”for the others. When the gender information was introduced into the context, the utilization of the“third person pronouns”rose. Which was different form the Japanese native speakers. That means, some evidences of language translation were found.
起訖頁 77-101
關鍵詞 第三人稱代名詞用於指示的語言表現問卷調查日文母語話者以中文為母語之日文學習者三人称代名詞指示に用いられる言語表現アンケート調査日本語母語話者中国語を母語とする日本語学習者third person pronounsthe expression of demonstrativesquestionary surveyJapanese native speakersChinese native speakers of Japanese learners
刊名 淡江日本論叢  
期數 202312 (48期)
出版單位 淡江大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 法律社會學視野下的日本漫畫與模倣作品(Japanese manga and parody works seen from the perspective of legal sociology)




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