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Questions or Inquiries? A Review on Civics and Society Textbooks Developed on the Basis of Question-Based Course Guidelines
作者 陳素秋
A key feature of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines: Civics and Society is the unprecedented presentation of its learning content as questions. Question-format course guidelines are designed to echo the inquiry-based learning highlighted by the new curriculum guidelines. Textbooks are crucial to actualizing the spirit of inquiry emphasized in the curriculum guidelines. The current study proposed an analytical framework that integrates the social inquiry items of the new curriculum guidelines and the inquiry model of the United States’C3 framework. On the basis of this analytical framework, the current study investigated whether and how textbooks implement inquiry-based learning. Content and text analyses were performed to analyze various civics and society textbooks. The results indicate that the numbers of questions in these textbooks are higher than those in previous ones and that the increased use of questions demonstrates an intention to guide students in exploring through questions. However, the following three shortcomings of these textbooks were identified: (1) a lack of opportunities for argument creation during lesson reviews, (2) weak connections with course knowledge and concepts because of excessively broad referential ranges, and (3) insufficient focus on argumentation ability when viewpoint diversity is emphasized.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 探究學習問句導向課綱公民與社會教科書inquiry-based learningquestion-based course guidelinescivics and societytextbook
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 202404 (17:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 跳脫教科書的課堂即興──十二年國教課綱下高中公民教師的探究教學與教科書使用




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