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A Study on the Discrimination and Discussion of the Similarity Proportion of Graphic Images Creation
作者 楊勝雄
Among intellectual property infringement disputes (commonly known as ''plagiarism''), image infringement accounts for a large proportion. Intellectual property rights infringements have clear legal regulations and must meet two requirements: ''Firstly, it must be proven that others have ''access'' to one's own work, and secondly, the work must be ''substantially similar.'' The ''substantial similarity'' must be judged by considering both ''qualitative'' and ''quantitative'' aspects. ''Whether works are similar should be judged on the reactions or impressions of the general rational reading public, not necessarily for professionals.'' This study uses ''Image Comparison Method'' to calculate the number of points where the outer contours of the two pictures overlap each other, and then divides the base of the second picture by the base of the original picture, thereby obtaining the similarity ratio of the two pictures. Participants cannot watch or discuss with each other. Finally, it performs line analysis on the created images. The titles of creation are ''Goldfish'' and ''Butterfly''. There are no instructions nor hints, so as to maintain independent thinking of the participants. The total number of samples collected is 140 goldfish and 157 butterfly. This study does not intend to provide creteria for determining image infringement. It is intended only to reveal how similar the images by two different individuals could be when they create works with the same theme without any physical or virtual contact. The purpose is to provide reference for design teaching so that learners can have a deeper understanding of creation process and then avoid the trap of intellectual property infringements.
起訖頁 101-123
關鍵詞 美術著作圖像比對法抄襲相似度實質相似Artistic WorksSimilarityPlagiarismSubstantial SimilarityImage Comparison Method
刊名 中國廣告學刊  
期數 202403 (29期)
出版單位 中國文化大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 霹靂布袋戲人物角色解構之色彩計畫研究——以首席男主角素還真為例




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