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Deconstructing the Characters in Pili Glove Puppetry: A Study of the Color Plan with Su Huan-Jen, the Leading Role, as Example
作者 楊錫彬
In addition to the combat scenes of Pili Glove Puppetry, it requires the puppet masters’superb interpretation, as well as the efforts of the special effect team. whether it is the launching of fighting stances of the characters or the appearance of the important figures onstage, it requires special lighting and sounds, as well as computer generated effects. In the Pili Glove Puppet series, through the design of the leading roles, such as Su Huan-Jen, Ye Xiao-Chai, Yi Ye-Shu, Hai Xiang-Jun, etc., each generation attracts a massive audience. Especially, the male leading role Su Huan-Jen is the representative of the roles, constituting a new totem for the glamorous Pili Gove Puppetry.
In film and television, color is one of the important and core elements. In recent years, Pili Glove Puppetry has released shows via the internet and at the cinema; therefore, the color plan is exceptionally important in creating an exciting, hi-tech and fantastic environment for the audience.
This essay begins with the literature review of the deconstruction of the character Su Huan-Jen and the categorization method of the color plans, with three different classic roles of Su Huan-Jen as research samples to analyze the character Su Huan-Jen, and the exploration of the expressive conduct and associations of the color plan with objective judgements. The findings are expected to serve as important references for the development of the glove puppetry industry in Taiwan.
起訖頁 79-100
關鍵詞 角色人物素還真色彩計畫Role And CharacterSu Huan-JenColor Plan
刊名 中國廣告學刊  
期數 202403 (29期)
出版單位 中國文化大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 AR廣告設計內容價值對受眾心流體驗與廣告態度之影響
該期刊-下一篇 平面圖像創作相似度比例的判別與探討研究




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