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The Influence of Professional Development Hindrances and Self-Efficacy on Work Stress among Teachers in Senior High Schools: The Moderating Effect of School Support
作者 王敏琦 (Min-Chi Wang)蕭佳純 (Chia-Chun Hsiao)
本研究以TALIS 2018高中職教師資料探討影響教師工作壓力(包含學生行為、工作場所身心福祉及工作負擔壓力)之因素,自變項為教師專業發展阻礙及教師自我效能(學生投入、教室管理及教師教學效能三個構面),調節變項為學校層次因素的學校支持包含金錢與非金錢支持兩個構面。本研究分析樣本為教師1056人、學校147所,由於教師與學校間具有巢套的關係,因此適合以階層線性模式進行檢定,分析結果顯示:一、教師專業發展阻礙對教師工作壓力具有正向顯著影響。二、學生投入效能對教師工作負擔壓力具有正向顯著影響。三、金錢支持對學生行為壓力及工作負擔壓力具有正向顯著影響。四、金錢支持在教師專業發展阻礙對教師身心福祉壓力具有正向調節效果。五、金錢支持在學生投入效能對教師工作負擔壓力具有正向調節效果。學校支持不僅直接影響教師工作壓力,更與個體層級產生交互作用影響教師工作壓力的強弱。因此,學校組織應強化學校支持環境,以保障教師福祉。
This study uses the TALIS 2018 data of senior high school and vocational high school teachers to explore the factors that affect teachers’work stress (including student behavior, workplace well-being, and work stress). Teachers’professional development hindrance and self-efficacy (three dimensions: student engagement, classroom management, and teacher teaching effectiveness) were the independent variables. School support at the school-level factors was the moderating variable. This study analyzed a sample of 1056 teachers from 147 schools. Due to a nested relation between teachers and schools, it is appropriate to examine the factors with hierarchical linear modeling. The results of the analysis are as follows. 1. Teachers’professional development hindrance significantly positively affected teachers’work stress. 2. The engagement effectiveness of students had a significantly positive effect on teachers’work stress. 3. Financial support had a significantly positive effect on students’behavioral and work stress. 4. Financial support for teachers’professional development hindrance positively modified teachers’physical and psychological stress. 5. Financial support for the engagement effectiveness of students had a positive moderating effect on teachers’work stress. School support not only directly affects the work stress of teachers, but also interacts with individual factors to determine the intensity of that stress. Therefore, school organizations should strengthen the supportive environment to ensure the well-being of teachers.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 工作壓力專業發展阻礙自我效能學校支持work stressprofessional development hindranceself-efficacyschool support
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 202406 (49期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 國民小學低年級實施素養導向課程形成性回饋之研究──以生活主題課程為例




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