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The constitutional disputes in the system of cross-jurisdictional prosecution involve two main issues: firstly, whether the behavior of superior procuratorates in unilaterally calling upon prosecutors is constitutional, and secondly, whether the called-upon prosecutors need to be appointed by the standing committee of the people's congress of the jurisdiction into which they are called. The Procuratorate Organization Law grants superior procuratorates the authority to unify the call-up of prosecutors, which is a specific manifestation of the leadership relationship between different levels of the procuratorate, and its constitutionality is undoubtedly clear. Prosecutors possess a dual nature in terms of identity, embodying both national and local attributes. The former means that the selection and appointment/removal of prosecutors can only be based on national laws, and prosecutors must uphold the supreme interests of the entire society; the latter implies that the selection and appointment/removal of local prosecutors are local affairs, and local prosecutors can and should oversee the implementation of local regulations to genuinely protect local interests. The people's congress and its standing committee are the sole entities responsible for the appointment and removal of prosecutors. The cross-jurisdictional use of prosecutors“from the top down”also requires appointment and removal by the people's congress because the leadership relationship does not replace the method of creation. It is inappropriate to characterize the act of local people's congresses in appointing and removing prosecutors as a constitutional delegation; it is an act of authority aimed at protecting local interests.
起訖頁 707-726
關鍵詞 異地用檢統一調用檢察官地方人大地方利益Cross-Jurisdictional ProsecutionUnified TransferringProsecutorLocal People's CongressLocal Interests
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202405 (213期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 論涉案企業合規中檢察裁量權的規制
該期刊-下一篇 論我國金融法適應性的實現路徑




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