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Occupational injury insurance is established based on the personality-subordination nature of labor relations as an employer's liability insurance, aiming to provide protection against occupational injuries for workers in the industrial age, which they could not resolve on their own. The legal barrier to the occupational injury protection system for employees in new employment forms is the labor relationship. It should start with the doctrine of“incomplete labor relations”and then combine the general principles of insurance law to design a structural system. Employees in these new employment forms are under the command and control of platform algorithms and may also be managed by platforms and related enterprises. Long-term service to a platform can also be interpreted as stable work expectations, making it principally justifiable to apply the occupational injury insurance system to this group. However, to meet the requirements of reasonableness,“targeted measures”need to be taken: employees in the new employment form who are partially dependent in term of personality should be compulsorily included in the occupational injury protection system, with platform companies bearing the cost of contributions in a reasonable manner, while granting internal rights of recourse in addition to assuming external joint liability; the recognition of occupational injuries should adhere to the“three labor principles”determined by personality-subordination attributes, avoiding the moral hazards brought by the“atomization”of work tasks; and under the premise of determining work expectations, platform companies should bear the economic subordination- determined living security fees, disability allowances, and disability employment subsidies, among other benefits.
起訖頁 669-689
關鍵詞 新就業形態職業傷害保障工傷保險不完全勞動關係人格從屬性經濟從屬性Occupational Injury Protection for New Forms of EmploymentOccupational Injury InsuranceIncomplete Labor RelationsPersonality SubordinationEconomic Subordination
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202405 (213期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 刑事再審案件適用“行為時的法律”的反思──兼論最高人民法院法釋〔1997〕5號第10條的完善
該期刊-下一篇 論涉案企業合規中檢察裁量權的規制




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