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An Analytical Study of the Various Editions of Xuefeng Kong Heshang Waiji
作者 黃啟江
雪峰慧空禪師(1096-1158)的《雪峰空和尚外集》或《東山外集》是流傳於日本五山時期的許多宋代禪宗典籍之一。經收入《禪門逸書》之後,才漸為佛教和禪宗研究學者所注意。不過,《禪門逸書》所收本是根據國家圖書館所藏的日本五山版影印而成,但日本五山時期刻印或覆刻的該書版本甚多,有若干異同,不能僅以「五山本」概括稱之。故筆者於稽考各版本之後,將不同的五山本分為「五山版」、「五山版‚」、「五山版ƒ」……等等,合「安土桃山版」、「江戶刊本」、「明治抄本」及「嵯峨本」等一併討論。 諸本之結構,除卷數之分有不分卷、一卷和二卷之差異外,主要之不同在序、跋之篇數及組合。有無序、一序、二序、三序和無跋、一跋、二跋之組合。本文皆予以比較考論,期有益於此部東傳日本禪籍之研究。 雪峰慧空是南、北宋之際臨濟系黃龍派的禪僧。他是草堂善清(1057-1142)法嗣,晦堂祖心(1025-1100)法孫,黃龍慧南(1002-1069)之曾法孫,屬黃龍派第四世。黃龍派在宋代禪宗史及中、日禪宗交流史上舉足輕重,不容忽視,但它在北宋以後的傳承與發展迄未受到禪宗學者之注意。雪峰慧空亦號「空東山」,亦即「東山慧空」,故他的《雪峰空和尚外集》又稱《東山外集》。此集既是黃龍派禪僧之著作,又是南北宋之際的禪籍,流傳東瀛的時間既長,版本又多,其價值之珍貴是無可置疑,故其版本之叢出亦值得考論。
The Xuefeng Kong Heshang Waiji or Dongshan Waiji authored by Chan master Xuefeng Huikong (1096-1158) is one of the many Song Dynasty Chan texts circulated in the Gozan Japan. The text did not receive Buddhist and Chan scholars’ attention until it was included in the Chanmen Yishu. However, the Chanmen Yishu edition, which is a reprint of a“Gozan edition”preserved in the National Central Library, is but one of many“Gozan editions”produced or reproduced in the Gozan Japan. For this reason, this particular edition cannot be referred to as“the Gozan edition.”This author, after examining various editions, divides the different Gozan editions into“Gozan edition ,”“ Gozan edition ,”“ Gozan edition ,”etc., and discusses them along with other editions such as the“Azuchi-momoyama edition,”the“Edo edition,”the“Meiji transcript edition,”and the“Saga edition.” Aside from the differences in fascicles, such as the differences between undivided fascicle, one fascicle, and two fascicles, the primary structural dissimilarities are in the numbers and groupings of prefaces and colophons, such as no preface, one preface, two prefaces, or three prefaces joined with either no colophon, one colophon, or two colophons. The author discusses all these variations in detail, hoping the further study of this text, which was transposed to Japan long time ago, can benefit from this article. Xuefeng Huikong was a Chan monk of the Huanglong lineage and was active in the Northern and Southern Song transition. He was the dharma heir of Caotang Shanqing (1057-1142), grandson-in-dharma of Huitang Zuxin (1025-1100), and great grandson-in-dharma of Huanglong Huinan (1002-1069), thus belonging with the fourth generation of the Huanglong lineage, which was of great significance in the history of Song Chan and in the history of the interaction of Sino-Japanese Chan/Zen culture. In this light, he and this text of his cannot be taken lightly. Given that the continuation and development of the post-Northern Song Huanglong lineage has scarcely been heeded by Chan scholars and that the book, also known as Doshan Waiji because Xuefeng Huikong was well-known for his epithet Kong Dongshan, is the work of a monk of the Huanglong lineage, it was circulated in the Northern and Southern Song transition, and was circulated in Japan with many editions for a long time. As the text is of an undeniably exceptional value, its many editions meritthis author’s critical study and discussion.
起訖頁 1-53
關鍵詞 雪峰慧空雪峰空和尚外集東山外集五山版黃龍派Xuefeng HuikongXuefeng Kong Heshang WaijiDoshan WaijiGozan editionHuanglong lineage
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 202206 (30期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-下一篇 以詩證禪:仁山寂震〈廣寒山詩〉揭顯之三峰宗風




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