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Ven. Sheng-Yen’s Exposition and Integration of the Concepts of Śūnyatā and Buddhatā
聖嚴法師晚年曾清楚定位自己為「一個帶動思想的人」,認為自己不是學問家、不是學者,但承認自己是一個宗教思想家;法師以思想家自我定位,其對佛教思想的詮釋和理解有哪些特色,成為可關注的點。本文試著從聖嚴法師對「空性」與「佛性」之詮解與融通,進行初步的分析論述。 「空性」與「佛性」兩大概念之間,在印、漢、藏佛教思想史上早有廣泛討論,包括近來學界亦有諸多反思乃至論辯。本文以聖嚴法師觀點為主,在漢傳佛教的脈絡底下作探討,先介紹近代漢語學界三種觀點:第一以太虛法師為例,簡介佛性高於空性之說;第二以印順法師為例,概述空性高於佛性之說;第三以牟宗三先生為例,說明佛性與空性不同但卻互補的立場。對上述三種觀點,聖嚴法師顯然有不同看法,他認為佛性即是空性,佛性和空性相通,只是表達方式的不同。 本文藉由聖嚴法師與近現代華人思想家判釋異同之對比,向佛學界介紹聖嚴法師的特見,並進一步分析、評論他對佛典的解讀及論證,盼能從中看出現今漢傳佛教弘揚者對於佛性和空性之主張,顯示聖嚴法師兼容互攝、調和(合)的思想特色。
In his old age, Master Sheng Yen once identified himself as“Buddhist thought leader”. He considered himself not an academic nor a scholar but a religious thinker. Since Master Sheng Yen identified himself as a Buddhist thinker, the unique features of his interpretation and understanding of Buddhism are worth exploring. In this paper I try to analyze and discuss Master Sheng Yen’s exposition and integration of“emptiness”(śūnyatā) and“Buddha-nature”(Buddhatā). The relationship between emptiness and Buddha-nature has been discussed extensively in the ancient Indian, Chinese, and Tibetan history of Buddhist thought, and there have been some reflections, and even debates, in modern academic circles. Here I focus on the views of Master Sheng Yen to see how he responds to this issue. In the beginning I introduce three positions in modern Chinese circle: firstly I take Master Tai Xu as an example to illustrate the viewpoint that the teaching on Buddha-nature is superior to the teaching on emptiness; secondly I take Master Yin Shun to illustrate the view that the teaching on emptiness is superior to the teaching on Buddha-nature; thirdly I introduce Mou Zong San’s viewpoint to present the view that the teachings on Buddha-nature and emptiness are distinct but complementary. Compared to the aforementioned views, Master Sheng Yen obviously has a different understanding. He suggests that Buddha-nature and emptiness are simply different ways of expressing the same idea. Comparing the differences and similarities of his views with these contemporary thinkers, I wish to introduce Master Sheng Yen’s syncretic interpretation of emptiness and Buddha-nature to the Buddhist academic circle. I further analyze and comment on his viewpoints on Buddhist scriptures and arguments, not only illustrating the standpoints of a contemporary advocate of Chinese Buddhism, but also representing his unique form of syncretic thought.
起訖頁 131-180
關鍵詞 佛性空性太虛印順牟宗三聖嚴Buddha-natureEmptinessTai XuYin ShunMou Zong SanSheng Yen
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 201712 (21期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 中華念佛禪教及其修學義理──念佛禪法的安心學理




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