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Chinese Nianfo Chan Teachings and Their Theories on Practice: Pacifying the Mind in the Nianfo Chan
以關懷佛法的「安心」課題為主軸,本論文側重探討中華禪教傳統的念佛禪法,希望藉由論議念佛禪法及其以「究竟安心」為價值導向的修學義理,來打開念佛禪法可資以安頓吾人身心或生命的有益內容,同時揭示中華念佛禪教所一貫承傳的佛法實踐精神。 文中,首先論議「念佛法門」在印度流傳的幾種型態;其次,探討中華禪門四祖道信(580-651)至永明延壽(904-976)之間的不同念佛禪教;接著,闡明念佛禪法落實在「安心」課題上的修學義理;最後,總結指出中華念佛禪教始終涵蘊的「念念不住」實踐精神。
Taking the philosophy of“pacifying the mind”in Chinese Chan tradition as the my its main theme, this thesis tries to explore the Nianfo Chan approach in order to uncover how the Nianfo Chan method may be used to settle our body and mind, and further reveal the practical spirit of the Chinese Chan approach as passed down by the Nianfo Chan teachings. In this thesis, we first discuss the different Indian practices of“mindfulness of the Buddha”or“recollection of the buddha”(Nianfo in Chinese, Buddhānusmṛti in Sanskrit). Secondly, we go on to explore the different teaching points of the“Nianfo Chan”in the Chinese Chan Buddhism tradition, from the fourth Patriarch Daoxin (580-651) to Yongming Yanshou (904-976). Then we directly expound the doctrine for pacifying the mind in the the Nianfo Chan approach. Finally, we elaborate on the Nianfo Chan’s notion of“the non-abiding of the mind”, which exemplifies the practical spirit of the Buddha-Dharma.
起訖頁 73-130
關鍵詞 安心無念無相無住念佛禪pacify the mindnon-thoughtformlessnon-abidingNianfo Chan
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 201712 (21期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 《大方廣佛華嚴經》的時空哲學
該期刊-下一篇 試論聖嚴法師對「空性」與「佛性」之詮解與貫通




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