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Wisdom and artistic in Hsing Yun Speaking of Metaphors
星雲大師以普渡眾生之願,於1994年6月應台視之邀,藉助每天五分鐘的節目,以精簡扼要、生動有趣的「說喻」形式弘揚佛法,普施甘露。爾後,此一系列說喻故事又化之為文,並依六度波羅蜜分類,編訂成書。譬喻故事傳達的訊息,以佛法為旨,卻不直言佛法,而是以意在言外、餘韻深遠的意境,留下思考和悟道的空間。此法亦契合禪宗不立文字的境界,超脫文字的空間局限,以語/喻言之「空」,通往悟道之境。 《星雲說喻》的中心關懷,是出世與入世的修行,並以六度波羅蜜為修行法門。佛典為「出世」之智慧,同時也是「入世」修行的明燈。大師在以譬喻故事闡揚佛理之際,始終以佛典法語為依歸,避免修道者迷失方向。佛經中法理深邃,然眾生慧根有別,在譬喻故事的助緣下,得以更好地理解並親近佛典。佛法載於經書,亦存在於生活瑣事中。凡塵是眾生生活的空間,同時也是修行的道場。身在塵世,唯以「入世」之修行,實踐佛法之真諦。大師為在人間歷劫者說法,故不忘以人間事/世為喻,展現佛法在人間之關懷,實踐「人間佛教」的理想。
With the aspiration of universal salvation, Master Hsing Yun accepted the invitation from Taiwan Television Enterprise (TTV) from Jun 1994 to give a series of dharma talks. This series of dharma talks exert metaphors to presents in an attractive way. Later, this series of dharma talks was written in words and edited according to Six Paramitas. The goal of metaphor stories is dharma, but present indirectly for leaving thinking and awakening space. This is the same with the concept of Chan Buddhism, which is to achieve awakening beyond the boundary of words. The main concern of Hsing Yun Speaking of Metaphors were sandhana on transcendental and worldly life, which is based on Six Paramitas. Buddhist scriptures endow with the wisdom for stranscendental life, and also the light for sandhana in worldly life. Master Hsing Yun always refers to Buddhist scriptures as the guidance in the metaphor stories. Thus, the abstruseness of dharma in Buddhist scriptures can be delivered in a simple way for better understanding. Besides scriptures, dharma is also revealed in daily life. The world is the space for worldly life and sandhana. Therefore, sandhana in worldly life is also a way to practice dharma. Master Hsing Yun includes human affairs as the example in the dharma talk to manifest the concern on it. By the same time, fulfill the ideal of Humanistic Buddhism.
起訖頁 73-95
關鍵詞 譬喻言外之意出世入世MetaphorEmptinessSubauditionTranscendentalWorldly
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 202112 (34期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 星雲大師《詩歌人間》的詩偈傳統與「人間佛教」精神
該期刊-下一篇 從《無聲息的歌唱》析論星雲的文學表現和佛教革新觀點




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