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The Poem Tradition and Spirit of the Humanistic Buddhism in Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Poetry and Lyrics for the World
《詩歌人間》是星雲大師詩歌創作的第一次結集,創作年代從一九五一年到二○一三年,涵蓋星雲大師在台灣弘法一甲子的精華歲月。 經典中的詩偈,功能上,是為了可以使經文義理更明晰堅固,令人生起信心,佛經詩偈的文字莊嚴優美,能令人感覺清新喜樂。結構上,佛典詩偈的形式具有自由不拘的特色,句式的字數和句數皆不限,而且無須用韻。東晉出現了寫詩的中國僧人之後,佛教與文學雙雙蛻變。佛教詩偈從經典中蛻化為生活日用的悟道體證,唐宋以來大量言淺意深的僧人詩偈,透過開悟體證,將佛法貼近人間的生活,對中國文學和文化產生深遠的影響。 星雲大師的詩作類似佛教的詩偈,結構上,一如從早期漢譯佛經中的詩偈至唐宋禪詩的句式一般,不拘格式;文字上,其詩文用字遣詞皆明白曉暢而優美,保有佛教詩偈典雅而通俗的特色;在意境與功用上,是三藏十二部經典融會並加以實踐之後的體悟,容易讓人發起共鳴而產生對生命的體悟。其精神內涵豐富多元,大致可分類為悟道、敘事、懺悔、勸誡、讚頌、祈願祝禱等六種類型。 《詩歌人間》是星雲大師將自身對佛教義理的體悟與實踐轉化為易懂易行的詩偈文字,在文體上承襲了漢譯經典多變不拘、淺白流暢的特色,在內容上不離佛法義理,在風格上崇尚佛法的生活實踐,在精神內涵方面則呈現了與「人間佛教」一致的理念與目標,是揉合漢譯佛經詩偈傳統與星雲大師個人對佛法實踐體悟的創意作品。
Poetry and Lyrics for the World is the first collection of poems by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the creation period for the poems was from 1951 to 2013 covering the 60 years essence of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's preaching time. Functionally, the poems in Buddhist scriptures aim to make the Buddhism principle much clearer and convincing; furthermore, the words of poems in Buddhist scriptures are stately and graceful so that people can feel fresh and joyful. Structurally, the form of poems in Buddhist scriptures is free and unconstrained; the number of words and sentences is unlimited and no rhyme is required. After the emergence of monastic poems by Chinese sangha, both Buddhism and literature trandformed. Buddhist poems exuviated from Buddhist scriptures into enlightenment of daily life experiences. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, a large number of monastic poems with profound meanings in simple text from enlightenment of daily life experiences have brought Buddhism closer to human life, which have had a profound impact on Chinese literature and culture. Venerable Master Hsing Yun's poems are similar to Buddhist poems. The structure is the same free in form as the poems in early translated Buddhist scriptures until Chan poems in the Tang and Song Dynasties. The wordings are clear, soft and graceful which remain same elegant and popular features as that of poems in Buddhist scriptures. In terms of artistic conception and function, it is the enlightenment from the understanding and practicing the Tripitaka and Twelve Divisions of Sutras, which is easy for people to resonate and have an understanding of life. Its spirit is comprehensive and diverse, and can be roughly classified into six types: enlightenment, narration, confession, exhortation, praise and prayer. Poetry and Lyrics for the World was the collection of poems with easy - to - understand and easy-to-implement wordings which were transformed from Venerable Master Hsing Yun's own understanding and practice of Buddhism principles. In the style, it inherits the characteristics of the Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures, which are diverse, simple and smooth. In terms of content, it does not deviate from Buddhism principles. It advocates the practice of Buddhism principles in life. In terms of spiritual connotation, it presents concepts and goals consistent with Humanistic Buddhism. It is a creative work that combines the Buddhist poem tradition and Venerable Master Hsing Yun's own understanding from the practice of Buddhism principles.
起訖頁 41-72
關鍵詞 佛經詩偈禪詩星雲大師人間佛教Buddhist poemChan poemVenerable Master Hsing YunHumanistic Buddhism
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 202112 (34期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 星雲大師「人間音緣」歌詞的文學表現及其效應
該期刊-下一篇 《星雲說喻》中的智慧與意境




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